1.5 Levels of responsibility at University and Faculty level

1. To reflect the structure of the University and recognise the role of the faculties in quality assurance and enhancement, some quality functions are delegated to faculties whilst others remain at University level.

University level processes

2. Responsibility for the following quality assurance processes and procedures is retained by the University’s Senate, Academic Board and other sub-committees:

(i) Development and approval of academic frameworks, regulations and procedure

(ii) Departmental Periodic review, including periodic revalidation of provision

(iii) Approval of new and major restructuring of schemes

(iv) Approval of External Examiner appointments.

Faculty level quality procedures

3. Responsibility for the following procedures and processes is delegated to faculties and exercised through faculty committee structures:

(i) Implementing policy and procedures for quality assurance and enhancement in schemes of study, including for their design, approval, monitoring and review

(ii) Consideration of Annual Monitoring of Taught Schemes

(iii) Scheme suspension, withdrawal, and changes to titles

(iv) Module approval (process overseen by Academic Board)

(v) Considering student feedback (through feedback processes and student representation)

(vi) Accreditation of schemes by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs).