Aberystwyth Quilliam Society

Wednesday 16 November, 6.00pm, Main Hall, International Politics Building, Dr Ayla Göl and Head of Islamic Studies at the Quilliam Foundation, Dr Usama Hasan.

Within the discussion we will explore Islamic notions of feminism and western notions of feminism alongside the similarities and differences between them. Specifically, the discussion will include the recent topical debate in France of the banning of the Burkini in Cannes and Nice, alongside the wider debate of is Islamism Islamic?

While Dr Göl will be present, Dr Hasan will be speaking via skype. Initially for 45 minutes we will have questions from the chair, after which we will open the discussion to questions from the floor until 8pm (when the event will end).

Additionally, we will be asking for donations for Aber Mind; a local charity dedicated to mental health.