ICT Disaster Recovery Day

What is the Information Services ICT Disaster Recovery Day?

It is important for Information Services to test our readiness to respond if an IT disaster occurrs. So, once a year, we put our planning to the test and deliberately simulate a significant outage. We advertise the IS Disaster Day well in advance of the date via our IS News service which includes web, Facebook and Twitter.

The tests are rigorous, and as a result there is significant disruption of IT and library services throughout the whole day. This includes web, AberLearn Blackboard, email, AStRA, ABW, Primo library catalogue, e-resources and the telephone service. Testing starts at 9am and is completed by 5pm and we inform all users through our usual news channels, including IS Facebook site http://www.facebook.com/aberuni.is, when the tests have been completed.

In order to minimize the impact on our users, we try to carry out this test when there are fewer active users than at other times of the year. We recommend that you plan your work accordingly, as there will be significant disruption to our computer and communication services on these days.

For further information, please see Assistant Director Tim Davies's presentation for the Computer Science department