Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Foundations in Cardio-Respiratory Physiology
Academic Year
Semester 2
Other Staff

Course Delivery

Delivery Type Delivery length / details
Lecture 1 x 1hr lecture per week
Practical 1 x 1hr practical per week


Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Online worksheets associated with laboratory practicals  Part A: practical competence and interpretation of data using standard physiological techniques. Part B: questions on knowledge of structure and function of the cardiorespiratory systems.  25%
Semester Exam 2 Hours   2 hour Exam  75%
Supplementary Exam 2 Hours   2 hour Exam  100%

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to..

1. Identify key physiological terms, abbreviations and units
2. Describe the key structural and functional characteristics of the cardiovascular and ventilatory systems in the context of the exercising human
3. Demonstrate knowledge of anaerobic and aerobic metabolism
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the following laboratory techniques: collection and downloading of heart rate using the Polar systems; the three-lead ECG, sphygmomanometry, microloop spirometer ('spirometry'), the Douglas bag
5. Demonstrate knowledge of good laboratory practice with regard to health and safety issues.


A foundation in knowledge of the cardio-respiratory function is essential for the study of sport and exercise physiology. In addition, the laboratory techniques used in this module are required for many other measurements in sport and exercise science. This module therefore provides a key foundation in the sport and exercise sciences.

Brief description

This module introduces the basic cardio-respiratory physiology of exercise. Students will receive grounding in the structure and function of the cardio-respiratory systems along with understanding of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. A wide range of sport and exercise situations will be considered to demonstrate the applied interpretation of the theory. A series of laboratory practicals will introduce some of the primary techniques used by the sport and exercise physiologist.


Weeks 1-3: Principles of work power and energy, aerobic and anaerobic energy transfer, the oxygen deficit. Laboratory health and safety, informed consent and Douglas bag analysis.

Week 4 : maximal oxygen uptake as a measure of cardiorespiratory function.

Weeks 5-8: Lung structure and function, pulmonary gas exchange and ventilatory control mechanisms. Laboratory measurement of lung function.

Weeks 9-11: cardiovascular system structure and function, control of heart rate, blood pressure and microvascular function. Measurement of heart rate and blood pressure.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Required during data interpretation for basic calculations.
Communication Written communication of laboratory technique, data interpretation and fundamental knowledge during the exam
Improving own Learning and Performance Implicit in the acquisition of skilled laboratory techniques
Information Technology Some occurrence as a background generic skill relevant to this module e.g. exploration of sources given in bibliography, use of micro-processor-based equipment in the laboratory for data accumulation and handling.
Personal Development and Career planning Not applicable
Problem solving Implicit in many of the laboratory techniques will be the ability to identify errors in measurement and steps required to correct these errors.
Research skills Not applicable.
Team work Essential during laboratory practicals, wherein students fulfil the role of subjects and experiments in groups of about four.

Reading List

Foss, WE & Ketteyian, L (1998) Fox's physiological basis of human performance 3rd ed McGraw-Hill, London Primo search Guyton, AC & Hall, JE (1996) Textbook of medical physiology 9th ed Saunders, Phil Primo search McArdle, WD, Katch, FI & Katch, VL (2001) Exercise physiology, energy, nutrition and human performance 5th ed Lea & Febiger, Phil Primo search Tortora, G & Grabowski, S (2000) Principles of anatomy and physiology 9th ed Chichester Primo search Wilmore, JH & Costill, DL (1999) Physiology of sport and exercise 2nd ed Human Kinetics, Champaign Il Primo search


This module is at CQFW Level 4