Module Identifier RD27220  
Academic Year 2000/2001  
Co-ordinator Mr Stephen Walsh  
Semester Semester 2 (Taught over 2 semesters)  
Assessment Exam   1.5 Hours Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3.   50%  
  Assignment   Outcomes Assessed: 2, 3. Management plan   50%  

Module description
The management of habitats is a common component of vocational countryside management. The professional approach of today's manager is to use a management by objectives process that both plans and justifies the proposed habitat management.
This module has three subdivisions:

1. An examination of the motives for wildlife conservation and the definitions of native or indigenous species and
semi-natural habitats.
2. A critical analysis of a 'management by objectives' process for the management of countryside/wildlife resources.
3. The evaluation and management of wildlife species and habitats.

These subdivisions will be studied using case studies and examples from UK and European sources. There will be a vocational emphasis in the module which will look at current practice of governmental and non-governmental organisations. The teaching will be augmented by field visits to sites managed for wildlife conservation.

Outcome 1

The concepts and application of wildlife conservation in the UK are understood.

Performance criteria:

a. The justification or motives for countryside conservation in the UK are understood.
b. The concept of a native or indigenous species and a semi-natural habitat are understood.
c. Conservation designations are evaluated.

UK Species and habitats.
National and international designations.

Outcome 2

The components and functioning of an integrated management planning process are understood.

Performance criteria:
a. A recognised management planning process is used.
b. Management plans are evaluated for their defined purpose.
c. Countryside resources are evaluated with given criteria.

Criteria from statutory conservation organisations.
Countryside resources to include species, habitats and recreational potential.

Outcome 3

Management prescriptions for the management and creation/recreation of wildlife habitats are produced.

Performance criteria:
a. The management needs of species and habitats are assessed.
b. Creative conservation options are applied in appropriate situations.
c. Conservation options are selected and justified.

UK native species and habitats.
Invasive native and introduced species.