Module Identifier RS30310  
Academic Year 2000/2001  
Co-ordinator Dr Timothy Jenkins  
Semester Semester 2  
Pre-Requisite Agricultural Economics or Economics Level 1  
Assessment Exam   2 Hours   50%  
  Course work     50%  

Aims of the module
To introduce students to the theory and practice of rural economic development in low income countries, and to provide them with insights into both the economic and non-economic impacts of the development process.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students will be able to:

i) identify the leading issues in economic development, and understand the role of rural activities within the economic
development context

ii) understand rural economic development from an international perspective, with particular reference to agricultural
protectionism, international institutions and international initiatives towards low income countries

iii) understand rural economic development from a national perspective, with particular reference to government policymaking
and structural change

iv) appreciate the social, environmental, cultural and ethical issues raised by the rural economic development process

Syllabus / Curriculum design
Lectures will cover the following broad areas, and each section will be followed by a seminar/discussion period in which students can further discuss the issues raised in the lectures.

1. Introduction: terminology, economic approaches to development, indicators of development.
2. Theories of development: models of growth, structural change and dependence.
3. Population and development: Malthusian and household models.
4. International trade and development: trade theory, trade policy, commodity policy.
5. Governments, markets and institutions: development planning, structural adjustment changes.
6. Agriculture and rural development: rural strategies and progress, rural-urban migration.
7. The environment and development: environmental impacts of development, policy options.

During the period of the course, students are to undertake a project along the following lines:
Each student is to select a low income country of his/her choice and produce a paper which sets out a rural development strategy relevant to that country. The choice of country should be agreed in advance with the module co-ordinator.

Reading Lists
Todaro M 1997. Economic development in the third world. 6th. Longman
Ghatak, Subrada. (1995) Introduction to development economics. 3rd.
Griffin K. (1999) Alternative strategies for economic development. 2nd. Macmillan
Hogendorn J S. (1996) Economic development. 3rd. Harper Collins
Hunt, Diana. (1988) Economic theories of development. Harvester Wheatsheaf
Meier, G. (1995) Leading issues in economic development. 6th. Oxford University Press
United Nations Development Program, annual.. Human Development Reports
Winters L A. (1991) International economics. 4th. Longman
World Bank, annual.. World Development Reports