Module Identifier RD17810  
Academic Year 2001/2002  
Co-ordinator Mrs Jill Bullen Hulse  
Semester Semester 1  
Assessment Exam   1.5 Hours Outcomes assessed: 2, 3   100%  


Outcome 1
Identify the range and operation of woodland systems operating in the countryside.
Performance criteria:
a. The features of a woodland system are identified and described.
b. The natural processes operating in a woodland are described.
c. Woodland systems are surveyed to identify key elements and features.
Woodland system - coppice, high forest
Natural processes - regeneration, wind throw, recycling, decomposition
Key elements and features - soil, topography, species and age, stocking, flora, identification of management practices.

Outcome 2
Identify the impact of a woodland on the surrounding area.
Performance criteria:
a. Identify the contribution of the woodland to the local landscape.
b. Describe the impact of the woodland on the surrounding land use or enterprise.
c. Identify the features within the woodland that are of nature conservation benefit.
Landscape - colour, texture, form, shape, scale, character
Impact - shading, shelter, pests, opportunities and constraints
Conservation benefit - species present, structure, layout, management

Outcome 3
Describe the main events in a woodland/forest rotation
Performance criteria:
a. The process of tree planting and establishment is described
b. The management undertaken during the rotation period is identified.
Tree planting method - pit, notch, mound; establishment - site preparation, physical structures to aid growth.
Management - beating up, weed control, pruning, thinning, harvesting

Outcome 4
Selected tree species are identified
Performance criteria:
a. Selected broadleaves and conifers are identified and named.
b. The attributes of selected tree species are described.
c. Suitable species are identified to plant in a given situation.
Oak, ash, cherry, elm, larch, Scots pine etc.
Attributes - colour, form, fruit, bark, flowers, uses, timber
Soil type, hydrology, objectives

Module description

Many countryside managers will be directly involved in some form of forest or woodland management. This module serves to provide a thorough understanding of the critical factors in a woodland rotation from initial planting to final harvesting. The lectures will consider the responses and effects of different management techniques and silvicultural systems. Reference will be made to complications such as wind throw and pests. With today's multi-purpose woodlands, management for recreation, conservation and landscape will also be considered.