Module Identifier DR34220  
Academic Year 2002/2003  
Co-ordinator Mr Simon J Banham  
Semester Semester 2  
Pre-Requisite Restricted Entry to Single Honours Drama students who have attained at least 63% in a relevant level 3 Design Practice module.Open to Joint Honours st, or one of the following: DR32420, DR32620  
Course delivery Lecture   15 Hours 10 x 1.5 hour lectures/seminars  
Assessment Semester Assessment   Project Work: practical project (to include a working notebook to show evidence of process) Week beginning 26th May 2003   70%  
  Semester Assessment   Essay: 3000 word essay   30%  


- To involve Students in advanced reflection of both concepts and practice encountered during the practical semester.
- To provide a further practical opportunity for those intending to continue their research, within the field of theatre and performance, beyond undergraduate level.
- To examine and apply examples of abstracted scenographic practice found in both related and distinct artistic practice.

Learning Outcomes:

Typically, upon completion of this module, the student will be able:

- To demonstrate maturity and independence in both the conception and realisation of an independently devised project.
- To show an analytical and holistic overview of the nature and potential of installed scenographic composition.
- To participate in the negotiated appraisal of effective scenographic solutions in the context of a group explorative collaboration.
- To show a critical appraisal of the work and theories of a range of practitioners in the field of scenography.
- To present individual, appropriate and imaginative methods of scenographic representation and documentation.


A more intensely focused exploration of the scenographic process and its potential applications both within and beyond conventional theatre/performance practices. This will culminate in either, a production or an individual/group installation and its realisation in any available and appropriate location.
The form of this module will depend upon the contributions and personal research areas of those students selected.

Students wishing to be accepted on to this module will be interviewed and must have followed the relevant design practice modules during the English medium practical semester. At least 63% should have been attained in one of the areas that the student wishes to develop further to qualify for interview.

Reading Lists

** Essential Reading
Bachelard, Gaston. (1994) The Poetics of Space. Beacon Press
Mackintosh, Iain. (1993) Architecture, Actor and Audience. Routledge
There will be additional material relevant to the individual projects as recommended by the course tutors..
** Recommended Text
Mulryne & Shewring. (1995) Making Space for Theatre. Mulryne & Shewring