Module Identifier SS15310  
Academic Year 2002/2003  
Co-ordinator Professor Jonathan H Doust  
Semester Semester 2  
Other staff Dr Cecilie Thogersen, Dr Mark Burnley  
Course delivery Lecture   14 Hours 7 x 2 hour workshops  
  Seminars / Tutorials   1 Hours 1 x 30 minute group tutorial  
Assessment Semester Assessment   Courswork Group poster presentation   100%  
  Supplementary Exam   Problem-analysis essay 2,000 words.   100%  

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to...

1. Identify styles of learning and the primary individual roles within a group
2. Analyse a problem giving a clear statement of both objectives and obstacles
3. Identify and evaluate possible courses of action
4. Make decisions and produce a plan of action
5. Work productively in a group
6. Communicate findings to others

Brief description

This module is concerned with developing students' generic skills in problem solving so that skills can be applied to any
situation. This module provides a strutctured approach to organizing information, identifying a range of possible actions, evaluating these and producing a course of action. The module will also investigate individual styles of learning and how
people work in groups and take up different roles. Work will predominantly be in groups to allow the personal experiences and
knowledge of students to be shared and thus broadened, drawing out the multi-disciplinary nature of the study of sport
and exercise science.


This module is concerned with developing students' generic skills in problem solving so that skills can be applied to any situation. This module provides a structured approach to organizing information, identifying a range of possible actions, evaluating these and producing a course of action. The module will investigate individual styles of learning and how people work in groups and take up different roles. Work will predominantly be in groups to allow the personal experiences and knowledge of students to be shared and thus broadened, drawing out the multi-disciplinary nature of the study of sport and exercise science.

1. To identify basic styles of learning and the ways in which groups operate
2. To develop a greater awareness of the variables involved in problem-solving
3. To encourage skills in problem-solving through a structured process
4. To develop co-operation between individuals
5. To develop communication skills   

Reading Lists

Woods, D.R.. (1995) Problem-based learning: resources to gain the most from PBL.. Woods, Hamilton, CA
Adair, J.. (1997) Decision making and problem solving.. Training extras IPD Books.
Boud, D and Felletti, G.. (1991) The challenge of problem-based learning.. Kogan Page, London.
Glen, S. and Wilkie, K.. (2000) Problem based learning in nursing: a new model for a new context.. MacMillan Press, Basingstoke.
Instone, I.. (1988) The teaching of problem-slolving.. Longman, London
Sodden, R.. (1994) Teaching problem solving in vocational education.. Routledge, London