Module Identifier SS19010  
Academic Year 2002/2003  
Co-ordinator Professor Jonathan H Doust  
Semester Semester 2  

Learning outcomes

3. Learning outcomes

On completion of this module,students should be able to...

1. Explain basic approaches to research and differentiate between them
2. Examine an existing investigation and recognize strenghts and weaknesses
3. Methodically plan an investigation using appropriate terminology and principles
4. Demonstrate competence in the use of SPSS to perform basic statistical procedures and to draw appropriate conclusions   from the output (specifically: chi-square, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, paired and unpaired T, linear regression, Spearman's and Pearson's correlation)


This module intoduces students to research and statistics. The module will help students interpret existing knowledge and data in their other modules, and it will begin the development of the skills of the independent researcher, which will blossom in the
final year dissertation. The module describes the broad framework of approaches to research in the sport & exrcise sciences and identifies the steps and iterations of these approaches. Students will be introduced to statistical analysis using SPSS and
develop competence in a range of fundamental statistical techniques.

1. To introduce the framework of key research themes such as: inductive, deductive, empirical, observational, survey-based,
   qualitative and quantitative

2. To describe the steps (and iterations) in the research process from/to establishing a question to/from interpreting data

3. To introduce SPSS and develop skills in data entry, statistical analysis and statistical interpretation

Brief description

Reading Lists

** Should Be Purchased
Thomas, J. and Nelson,J.. (2001) Research methods in physical activity.. 4th ed.. Human Kinetics, Champaign, II
Vincent, W.J.. (1999) Statistics in kinesiology. 2nd ed.. Human Kinetics, Champaign, II
Bland, M.. (2000) An introduction to medical statistics.. 3rd ed.. Oxford Univesity Press, Oxford
Cohen, L. and Holliday, M.. (1986) Statistics for social scientists.. Harper and Row
Nikos's new book on SPSS.