Module Identifier HY12420  
Academic Year 2003/2004  
Co-ordinator Dr Jeffrey L Davies  
Semester Semester 2  
Course delivery Lecture   18 Hours  
  Seminars / Tutorials   5 Hours Seminar.  
Assessment TypeAssessment Length/DetailsProportion
Semester Exam2 Hours  60%
Semester Assessment Essay: 2 x 2,500 word essays  40%

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:
a) Identify and explain the key historiographical debates concerning the so-called `Celtic? communities of the first millennium BC.
b) Demonstrate their knowledge of the historical and archaeological sources pertaining to the early `Celtic? world.
c) Reflect critically on current interpretation of socio-economic changes within early `Celtic? society.
d) Analyse and evaluate a range of primary sources related to the study of western European `barbarian? societies in the first millennium BC.
e) Gather and sift appropriate items of historical and archaeological evidence
f) Develop and sustain historical arguments ? in both oral (not assessed) and written work
g) Work both independently and collaboratively whilst being able to participate in group discussions (not assessed).

Brief description

They had no written history, not even a written language of their own, no dominant city-state to impose order and unity, no clear-cut boundaries. In the period c.700-400 BC Celtic tribes under the leadership of wealthy chieftains became the suppliers of raw materials in response to the demands of the classical world. Permanent defensive sites were found in Celtic lands and the rudiments of 'civilized' life took shape. Their skills and resources were many, horsemanship, mastery in carpentry and metalworking. Their ingenuity gave them some control over a harsh environment and allowed for impressive cultural developments. They traded with the cultivated Mediterranean cities, accumulated surplus wealth, built stronger fortress-towns and imposing tombs for their leaders. Towards c. 4000 BC this established order collapsed and large sections of the population dispersed, to collide fatally with Rome. By c. 200 BC the period of Migration was effectively at an end and Celtic Society readjusted to a more organised sedentary life-style - highly urbanised and enjoying a further brilliant flowering before being overrun by Rome. The course will examine this world of the ancient Celts in detail. Topics for consideration will include the problem of 'Celticisation', cultural change, society and economy. Students will gain an insight into the ways in which the discipline of archaeology contributes to the study of a proto-historical period. Special attention will be paid to the archaeology of the British Isles in the period 1000 BC - AD 43.


This module is at CQFW Level 4