Module Identifier RD14910  
Academic Year 2004/2005  
Co-ordinator Dr Brian J Garrod  
Semester Semester 1  
Course delivery Lecture   22 Hours 11 x 2 hours  
  Practical   6 Hours 2 x 3 hours  
Assessment TypeAssessment Length/DetailsProportion
Semester Assessment Assignment: Outcomes assessed: all 3000 word report on a specific sector of the UK tourism and recreation industry, including an analysis of the factors likely to influence future developments100%
Supplementary Assessment Students who fail the module will be required to re-present coursework. 

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
Outcome 1
Identify the historical development of UK tourism and recreation

Performance criteria:
a Understand the significance of the Greeks and Romans in leisure and tourism developments
b Appreciate the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the growth in tourism and recreation
c Identify industry developments since the end of World War 2
d Appreciate changes in the use of people''''r leisure time and their leisure spending

Global, National, Regional and Local

Outcome 2
Appreciate the economic significance of the UK tourism and recreation industries
Performance criteria:
a Understand the economic impact of tourism and recreation
b Appreciate the nature of employment creation within the industries
c Understand tourism and recreation''''r contribution towards economic development   
National, Regional and Local

Outcome 3
Describe the structure of UK tourism and recreation
Performance criteria:
a Understand private sector involvement in tourism and leisure
b Appreciate the role of the not-for-profit sector in tourism and recreation
c Identify the work of the public sector in tourism and recreation
National, Regional and Local

Outcome 4
Analyse the roles of the different tourism and recreation industry sectors
Performance criteria:
a Identify and describe the hospitality sector
b Identify and describe the tourist attractions sector
c Identify the contribution of transportation in tourism and recreation
d Appreciate the role of intermediaries in tourism and recreation
National, Regional and Local

Outcome 5
Appreciate the roles and functions of the public sector in UK tourism and recreation
Performance criteria:
a Explain the role of the government in developing UK tourism and recreation
b Understand the functions of national and regional tourist boards
c Appreciate the role of local authorities and countryside agencies in tourism and recreation
National, Regional and Local

Outcome 6
Describe the principal issues that will affect the future development of UK tourism and recreation
Performance criteria:
a Appreciate the significance of political factors on future developments
b Understand the significance of economic factors on future developments
c Explain the significance of social factors on future developments
d Appreciate the significance of technological factors on future developments
e Understand the significance of environmental factors on future developments
National, Regional and Local

Brief description

This module provides students with an overview of the tourism and recreation industries in the United Kingdom. It addresses the historical development and current significance of UK tourism and recreation through an exploration of private, public, and not-for-profit industry sectors. The module also investigates the issues that will influence the future development of tourism and recreation in the UK.

Transferable skills

.1 Independent project work
Students are required to complete a written report on UK tourism as part of their assessment, thereby contributing to the development of their independent project work skills.

.2 IT and information handling
The report on the UK tourism industry will be word processed and will include graphical data on the scope and scale of

.3 Use and analysis of numerical information
Practical sessions will require students to analyse and interpret numerical data relating to the UK tourism industry.

.7 Self-management
In completing the necessary research for their assessments, students will be expected to manage their own time and plan the
effective use of learning resources.

Reading Lists

Broadhurst, R. (2003) Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation 3rd edition. Elm Publications 1854505009
Curry, N. (1994) Countryside Recreation, Access and Land Use Planning E & F Spon, London 0419155503
Page, S.J. (2003) Tourism Management: Managing for Change Butterworth-Heinemann 07506557529
Keirle, I. (2002) Countryside Recreation Site Management: a Marketing Approach Routledge 041524885X
Wales Tourist Board (2000) Achieving our Potential: A Tourism Strategy for Wales WTB
** Should Be Purchased
Sharpley, R. (2003) Tourism and Leisure in the Countryside 3rd edition. Elm Publications 1854505009
Youell, R (1998) Tourism: an introduction Longman 0582356970

VisitBritain and Wales Tourist Board Annual reports
English Tourism Council Insights ETC, London

Technical Reports
** Consult For Futher Information
Reports Countyside Commission; Countryside Agency; Sports Councils; Countryside Council for Wales; Scottish Natural Heritage et al


This module is at CQFW Level 4