Module Identifier EN33930  
Academic Year 2007/2008  
Co-ordinator Dr Damian Walford Davies  
Semester Semester 2  
Other staff Mr Michael J Smith  
Course delivery Seminars / Tutorials   20 Hours. Seminar. (10 x 2 hour seminars)  
Assessment TypeAssessment Length/DetailsProportion
Semester Assessment Continuous Assessment: 2 x 3000 word essays  100%
Supplementary Assessment Resubmit any failed elements and/or make good any missing elements. Where this involves re-submission of work, a new topic must be selected.100%

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, students will be able to:

1. locate and discuss Welsh Writing in English in its cultural and historical context;

2. assess the influence of linguistic, economic, social and political factors on literary texts;

3. examine the tensions inherent in the cultural programme of Welsh Writing in English;

4. examine the way in which these texts interrogate issues of class, gender and national/ linguistic identity;

5. write about literary texts in a critically-focused and well-structured manner.

Brief description

How does a 'new' literature, or a literature in a new language, establish itself side by side with an ancient literary culture? What are the social and economic circumstances of its rise? How do its writers handle their relationship with that older literature with which they must co-exist - and what is their attitude to the dominant culture across the Border, with which they share a common language but not a common history? What tensions arise from class and gender difference, from the impact of the two World Wars, and from the divided loyalties of a newly bilingual nation? In trying to answer these and related questions, this option aims to illustrate a given community and its consciousness of itself at a crucial point in its development.


The module will be taught by means of weekly two-hour seminars. Students are expected to purchase the five texts - by Caradoc Evans, Dylan Thomas, Glyn Jones, Hilda Vaughan and Emyr Humphreys - for which editions are designated (by an *) in the following programme.


1. A Culture in Transition (3 seminars)

i) Introduction: 'The Anglo-Welsh Ideology'

ii) Rural Revolt

iii) Industrial Revolt

2. Imagined Communities (3 seminars)

i) Myth and War

ii) Green and Nogood Boyos

iii) Community and Loss

3. Nation and Gender (2 seminars)

i) A Passive Resistance

ii) Forging a Female Identity

4. Language Conflicts (2 seminars)

i) Bilingual Identities

ii) 'Border Blues'


This module is at CQFW Level 6