Module Identifier SP10610  
Academic Year 2007/2008  
Co-ordinator Dr Maria D Blanco  
Semester Semester 2  
Other staff Dr Jose M Goni Perez  
Course delivery Lecture   1 per week  
  Seminars / Tutorials   4 per semester  
  Workload Breakdown   Lectures = 10 hours, Seminars = 4 hours, Reading and researching = 43, Essay research and writing = 43.  
Assessment TypeAssessment Length/DetailsProportion
Semester Exam1x2 Hours written examination  70%
Semester Assessment Assessed essay (1,500-2,000 words)  30%
Supplementary Exam 1 x 2 hour examination if continuous assessment submitted. 1 x 3 hour examination if no continuous assessment submitted.100%

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module students should have:

1) knowledge of the ways literature and history intersect in the Hispanic world from Discovery to the present day;
2) familiarity with key texts that are representative of various movements and historical periods in the Hispanic world;
3) a transatlantic understanding of the movements of Hispanic culture from the 15th to the 21st centuries.


As an introductory module, this programme of study seeks to expose students to a transatlantic understanding of the flows and contours of Spanish language, history and arts during the period comprising such a transatlantic relation (1492-present). It allows students to view this cultural and historical interconnection through a series of literary and cinematic counterpoints, which reconsiders Spanish and Latin American relations, past and present. The module has been restructured in order to be more representative of the staff's areas of expertise.

Brief description

This module provides a survey of the key movements and authors in Spanish and Spanish American history and literature. Students will be exposed to selected readings and cinematic texts ranging from Christopher Columbus's diaries from 1492 and Bernal Diaz del Castillo's accounts of the conquest of New Spain, as well as contemporary critical texts and films reappraising the Discovery and Conquest; the transatlantic literature produced in the 19th century when Spanish American countries gained their independence from Spain; transatlantic literature of conflict and revolution, from the time of the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s and the Latin American revolutions of the 1950s, 60s and 70s; and films from the contemporary Spanish and Spanish American scene.


This course comprises four different topics:
A. Discovery and Conquest: 15th- and 16th-century texts, contemporary critical views, and the cinematic imagination
B. Spain and Spanish America, 1808-1898: Independence and the end of empire
C. Spain and Spanish America, 1936-75: Transatlantic conflicts and literary movements
D. Contemporary Visions of the Hispanic World: Transatlantic Film

Module Skills

Problem solving Selecting appropriate reading material; developing evaluative analysis and critical skills and formulating a detailed argument  
Research skills Research preparation of written assessments; search for appropriate material in journals and texts of fiction and non-fiction; preparation for seminars  
Communication Oral communication developed in seminars; written communication developed in series of papers  
Improving own Learning and Performance Students will be able to assess their own progress week by week through their increased understanding of the issues raised and the skills developed, as well as through the continuous assessment of their writing and comprehension skills in the paper assignments  
Team work Debates and small-group discussions in seminars  
Information Technology Use of online journals and source collections; delivery of course materials and information via email and Blackboard system  
Application of Number n/a  
Personal Development and Career planning First step in important literary formation of student beginning a career in Spanish language and culture  
Subject Specific Skills Students will gain understanding in linguistic competence, critical literary analysis and intertextuality  

Reading Lists

** Multiple Copies In Hugh Owen
Popol Vuh
Arguedas, José María (1958) Los ríos profundos
Aristarian, Adolfo (1991) Un lugar en el mundo
Asturias, Miguel Ángel (1949) Hombres de maíz
Azorín (Martínez Ruiz), Jorge Castilla
Bello, Andrés (1826) Silva a la agricultura en la zona tórrida
Bolívar, Simón (1983) Doctrina del libertador
Borges, Jorge Luis (1944) Ficciones
Bravo-Villasante, Carmen (1985) La maravilla de América: los cronistas de Indias
Cambaceres, Eugenio (1885) Sin rumbo
Carpentier, Alejo (1976) Tientos y diferencias: ensayos
Castresana Martínez, José Luis (1969?) El otro árbol de Guernica
Colón, Cristóbal Cartas que escribió sobre el descubrimiento de América y testamento que hizo a su muerte
Colón, Cristóbal Diario de Colón; Libro de la primera navegación y descubrimiento de las Indias y Diario de a bordo
Cortázar, Julio (1966) Todos los fuegos el fuego
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal (1632) Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España
Darío, Rubén (1896) Prosas profanas
De las Casas, Bartolomé (1989) Diario del primer y tercer viaje de Cristóbal Colón
Dussel, Enrique (1992) 1492: El encubrimiento del otro
Echeverría, Esteban (c. 1840) La cautiva y el matadero
Fernán Gómez, Fernando Las bicicletas son para el verano
Fernández Flores, Wenceslao (1939) Una isla en el mar rojo
Film: Bielinski, Fabián (2000) Nueve reinas
Film: Cuarón, Alfonso (2001) Y tu mamá también
Film: Garci, José Luis (2008) El dos de mayo
Film: Garci, José Luis (2002) Historia de un beso
Film: Garci, José Luis (2007) Luz de domingo
Film: Garci, José Luis (2005) Ninette
Film: Garci, José Luis (2004) Tiovivo C. 1950
Film: Garci, José Luis (2000) You're the one (una historia de entonces)
Film: Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás (1995) Guantanamera
Film: Saura, Carlos (1988) El Dorado
Film: Bechis, Marco (1999) Garage Olimpo
Film: Guzmán, Patricio (2001) El caso Pinochet
Fuentes, Carlos (1962) La muerte de Artemio Cruz
Ganivet, Angel (1897) Idearium español
Garcilaso de la Vega 'El Inca'. Comentarios Reales
Gironella, José María (1953) Los cipreses creen en Dios
Goytisolo, Juan (1955) Duelo en el paraíso
Lugones, Leopoldo (1897) Las montañas de oro
Machado, Antonio Poesías
Martí, José (2004) Ensayos y crónicas
Poniatowska, Elena (1971) La noche de Tlatelolco
Posse, Abel Los perros del paraíso
Silva, José Asunción Poesías completas
Unamuno, Miguel de (1895) En torno al casticismo


This module is at CQFW Level 4