Protocol DC title: protocol for the preparation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae competent cells DC author: Wayne Aubrey DC organisation: Aberystwth University status: draft DC submission date: 15 January 2008 Order of the operating procedures make YPD agar plates make single colonies plates grow yeast culture calibrate spectrophotometer measure yeast culture optical density make yeast culture calibrate spectrophotometer measure O.D of yeast cell culture H2O wash LiAc wash aliquot contents of total competent cell vial list of pre-conditions: pre-condition: YPD agar bottle in hot cupboard pre-condition: yeast vial in -80C deep freeze pre-condition: sealed yeast colonies plate in cold room pre-condition: YPD media bottle in cold room pre-condition: calibrated spectrophotometer pre-condition: YPD media bottle in non-shaking incubator pre-condition: yeast culture flask in shaking incubator materials: Yeast extract bacteriological peptone dextrose agar no.2 sterile miliQ grade water para film Procedure of preparation for experiment: preparation of inoculating loop procedure preparation of conical flask procedure preparation of sterile container procedure preparation of frozen yeast vial procedure experiment procedure: operating procedure: make YPD agar plates pre-condition: YPD agar bottle in hot cupboard experiment action: move object: petri dish start location: in store end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: YPD agar bottle start location: in hot cupboard end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: de-lid base: petri dish lid location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: pour component 1: YPD agar volume: 20ml precision: +/- 3ml start container: YPD agar bottle end container: petri dish experiment action: rename old name:petri dish name change: YPD agar plate experiment action: wait goal: to prevent condensation build up time interval: 30 minutes experiment action: lid base: petri dish lid location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: join base: YPD agar plate top: agar plate lid goal: prevent drying of YPD agar and maintain sterility method: method of sealing experiment action: move object: YPD agar plate start location: in laminar flow hood end location: in cold room post-condition: YPD agar plate in cold room operating procedure: make single colonies plates pre-condition: yeast vial in -80C deep freeze experiment action: move object: yeast vial start location: in deep freeze end location: on ice equipment: ice machine experiment action: store object: yeast vial goal: storing on ice ensures yeast vial will take longer to thaw storing condition: ≤4c. time point: before frozen yeast vial has completely thawed experiment action: move object: YPD agar plate start location: in store end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: inoculating loop start location: in cold room end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: add component 1: yeast cells start container: yeast vial end container: YPD agar plate volume: small volume precision: N/A equipment: inoculating loop method: method of inoculating of yeast cells experiment action: streak object: yeast cells goal: produce single colonies equipment: inoculating loop location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: rename old name:YPD agar plate new name:single colonies plate experiment action: move object: single colonies plate start location: in laminar flow hood end location: in non-shaking incubator experiment action: incubate object: yeast single colonies plate equipment: non-shaking incubator temperature: 30C time interval: 24-48h goal: visible single yeast colonies approximately 2-5mm in diameter experiment action: join base: single colonies plate top: plate lid goal: prevent drying of YPD agar and maintain sterility method: method of sealing experiment action: rename old name:single colonies plate new name:sealed yeast colonies plate experiment action: move object: sealed yeast colonies plate start location: in laminar flow hood end location: in cold room post-condition: sealed yeast colonies plate in cold room operating procedure: grow yeast culture pre-condition: sealed yeast colonies plate in cold room pre-condition: YPD media bottle in cold room experiment action: move object: YPD media bottle start location: in store end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: conical flask start location: in store end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: sealed yeast colonies plate start location: in cold room end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: add component 1: YPD medium volume: 50ml start container: YPD media bottle end container: 500ml conical flask equipment: pipette experiment action: rename old name: 500ml conical flask new name: YPD conical flask experiment action: add component 1: single yeast colony volume: small volume precision: N/A start container: yeast single colonies plate end container: YPD conical flask equipment: inoculating loop experiment action: rename old name:YPD conical flask new name:yeast culture flask experiment action: incubate object: yeast culture flask equipment: shaking incubator rpm: 200 temp: 30C time interval: 12-24h operating procedure: calibrate spectrophotometer pre-condition: YPD media bottle in cold room experiment action: move object: cuvette start location: in store end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: sterile H2O bottle start location: in store end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: YPD media bottle start location: in cold room end location: in laminar flow hood experiment action: add component 1: YPD medium volume: 100microl equipment: pipette start container: YPD media bottle end container: cuvette experiment action: rename old name: cuvette new name: YPD cuvette experiment action: add component 1: ddH2O volume: 900microl equipment: pipette start container: sterile H2O bottle end container: reference cuvette experiment action: rename old name: YPD cuvette new name: reference cuvette experiment action: mix object: reference cuvette method: inversion time point: until solution is homogeneous experiment action: move object: reference cuvette start location : in lamina flow hood end location : in spectrophotometer experiment action: calibrate object: spectrophotometer equipment: spectrophotometer wavelength: 600nm experiment action: rename old name: spectrophotometer new name: calibrated spectrophotometer experiment action: move object: reference cuvette start location : in calibrated spectrophotometer end location : on bench experiment action: remove component 1: contents of reference cuvette start location : in reference cuvette end location : in waste container post-condition: calibrated spectrophotometer operating procedure: measure yeast culture optical density pre-condition: calibrated spectrophotometer experiment action: move object: yeast culture flask start location : in shaking incubator end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: sterile H2O bottle start location : in store end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: cuvette start location : in store end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: add component 1: ddH2O volume: 900microl equipment: pipette start container: sterile H2O bottle end container: cuvette experiment action: rename old name: cuvette new name: H2O cuvette experiment action: add component 1: yeast culture volume: 100microl equipment: pipette start container: yeast culture flask end container: H2O cuvette experiment action: rename old name: cuvette new name: yeast culture cuvette experiment action: mix object: yeast culture cuvette method: inversion time point: until solution is homogeneous experiment action: move object: yeast culture cuvette start location : in lamina flow hood end location : calibrated spectrophotometer experiment action: measure object: O.D wavelength: 600nm equipment: spectrophotometer experiment action: record object: O.D reading expeced value: 0.2 experiment action: move object: yeast culture cuvette start location : in calibrated spectrophotometer end location : on bench experiment action: remove component 1: contents of yeast culture cuvette start location : in reference cuvette end location : in waste container experiment action: calculate value: b formula: dilution factor formula operating procedure: make yeast culture pre-condition: YPD media bottle in non-shaking incubator experiment action: move object: 250ml conical flask start location : in store end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: YPD media bottle start location : in non-shaking incubator end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: yeast culture flask start location : in shaking incubator end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: add component 1: YPD medium volume: a-b equipment: pipette start container: YPD media bottle end container: conical flask experiment action: rename old name: conical flask new name: YPD conical flask experiment action: add component 1: yeast culture volume: b equipment: pipette start container: yeast culture flask end container: YPD conical flask experiment action: rename old name: conical flask new name: yeast competent cell flask experiment action: move object: yeast competent cell flask start location : in laminar flow end location : in shaking incubator experiment action: incubate object: yeast competent cell flask equipment: shaking incubator rpm: 200 temp: 30C time: 4h post-condition: yeast competent cell flask in shaking shaking incubator operating procedure: calibrate spectrophotometer pre-condition: YPD media bottle in cold room experiment action: move object: cuvette start location : in store end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: YPD media bottle start location : in cold room end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: add component 1: YPD media volume: 1ml equipment: pipette start container: YPD media bottle end container: cuvette experiment action: rename old name: cuvette new name: YPD reference cuvette experiment action: mix object: YPD reference cuvette method: inversion time point: until solution is homogeneous experiment action: move object: YPD reference cuvette start location : in lamina flow hood end location : in spectrophotometer experiment action: calibrate object: spectrophotometer equipment: spectrophotometer experiment action: rename old name: spectrophotometer new name: calibrated spectrophotometer experiment action: move object: YPD reference cuvette start location : in calibrated spectrophotometer end location : on bench experiment action: remove component 1: contents of YPD reference cuvette start location : in YPD reference cuvette end location : in waste container operating procedure: measure O.D of yeast cell culture pre-condition: yeast culture flask in shaking incubator experiment action: move object: yeast competent cell flask start location : in shaking incubator end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: cuvette start location : in store end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: add component 1: competent cell culture volume: 1ml equipment: pipette start container: yeast competent cell flask end container: 1ml cuvette experiment action: rename old name: cuvette new name: competent cell cuvette experiment action: mix object: competent cell cuvette method: inversion time point: until solution is homogeneous experiment action: move object: competent cell cuvette start location : in lamina flow hood end location : in spectrophotometer experiment action: measure object: O.D equipment: spectrophotometer wavelength: 600nm experiment action: record object: O.D reading expected value: 0.6 - 0.8 experiment action: move object: yeast culture cuvette start location : in spectrophotometer end location : on bench experiment action: remove component 1: contents of competent cell cuvette start location : in competent cell cuvette end location : in waste container experiment action if: O.D>1.5 experiment action: discard object: competent cell culture return to: experiment action make yeast culture experiment action if: O.D<0.6 experiment action: move object: competent cell culture flask start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in shaking incubator experiment action: incubate object: competent cell culture flask equipment: shaking incubator rpm: 200 temp: 30C time: 30 mins comment: an O.D reading of less than 0.4 = cell density is too low. culture must be incubated for longer to allow cell density to reach an o.d =0.6-0.8 experiment action if: O.D>=0.6 <=1 continue operating procedure: H2O wash experiment action: move object: 15ml centrifuge tubes number of objects: 2 start location : in store end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: competent cell culture flask start location : in shaking incubator end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: pour component 1: competent cell culture volume: 12ml start container : in competent cell culture flask end container : in 15ml centrifuge tube 1 experiment action: rename old name: 15ml centrifuge tube 1 new name: competent cell tube 1 experiment action: pour component 1: competent cell culture volume: 12ml start container : in competent cell culture flask end container : in 15ml centrifuge tube 2 experiment action: rename old name: 15ml centrifuge tube 2 new name: competent cell tube 2 experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 1 start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in bench top centrifuge experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 2 start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in bench top centrifuge experiment action: centrifuge object: competent cell tube 1 + 2 rpm: 6000 time: 1min equipment: bench top centrifuge %must this be represented as two actions experiment action remove component 1: supernatant equipment: pipette start container: competent cell tube 1 end container: waste container goal: remove supernatant without removing yeast cells in the process experiment action remove component 1: supernatant equipment: pipette start container: competent cell tube 2 end container: waste container goal: remove supernatant without removing yeast cells in the process experiment action add component 1: ddH2O volume: 10ml equipment: pipette start container: sterile H2O bottle end container: competent cell tube 1 experiment action add component 1: ddH2O volume: 10ml equipment: pipette start container: sterile H2O bottle end container: competent cell tube 2 experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 1 start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in centrifuge experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 2 start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in centrifuge experiment action: centrifuge object: competent cell tube 1 + 2 rpm: 6000 time: 1mins equipment: bench top centrifuge experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 1 start location : in centrifuge end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 2 start location : in centrifuge end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action remove component 1: supernatant equipment: pipette start container: competent cell tube 1 end container: waste container experiment action remove component 1: supernatant equipment: pipette start container: competent cell tube 2 end container: waste container experiment action add component 1: ddH2O volume: 10ml equipment: pipette start container: sterile H2O bottle end container: competent cell tube 1 experiment action add component 1: ddH2O volume: 10ml equipment: pipette start container: sterile H2O bottle end container: competent cell tube 2 experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 1 start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in centrifuge experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 2 start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in centrifuge experiment action: centrifuge object: competent cell tube 1 and 2 rpm: 6000 time: 1mins equipment: bench top centrifuge experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 1 start location : in centrifuge end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 2 start location : in centrifuge end location : in laminar flow hood operating procedure: LiAc wash experiment action: move object: LiAc bottle number of objects: 1 start location : on bench end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action add component 1: LiAc solution volume: 10ml equipment: pipette start container: liac bottle end container: competent cell tube 1 experiment action add component 1: LiAc solution volume: 10ml equipment: pipette start container: liac bottle end container: competent cell tube 2 experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 1 start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in centrifuge experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 2 start location : in laminar flow hood end location : in centrifuge experiment action: centrifuge object: competent cell tube 1 and 2 rpm: 6000 time: 1mins equipment: bench top centrifuge experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 1 start location : in centrifuge end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: move object: competent cell tube 2 start location : in centrifuge end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action remove component 1: supernatant equipment: pipette start container: competent cell tube 1 end container: waste container goal: remove supernatant without removing yeast cells in the process experiment action remove component 1: supernatant equipment: pipette start container: competent cell tube 2 end container: waste container goal: remove supernatant without removing yeast cells in the process experiment action add component 1: LiAc volume: 150microl equipment: pipette start container: liac bottle end container: competent cell tube 1 experiment action resuspend object: competent cell tube 1 equipment: pipette time point: keep resspending until solution is homogeneous experiment action add component 1: LiAc volume: 150microl equipment: pipette start container: LiAc bottle end container: competent cell tube 2 experiment action resuspend object: competent cell tube 2 equipment: pipette time point: keep resspending until solution is homogeneous experiment action add component 1: competent cell LiAc mix volume: all equipment: pipette start container: competent cell tube 2 end container: competent cell tube 1 experiment action add component 1: competent cell LiAc mix volume: all equipment: pipette start container: competent cell tube 1 end container: 2ml vial experiment action: rename old name: 2ml vial new name: total competent cell vial operating procedure: aliquot contents of total competent cell vial experiment action complex: aliquot experiment action: move object: 2ml vial number of objects: 6 start location : in sterile container end location : in laminar flow hood experiment action: label object: 2ml vial number of objects: 6 equipment: fine permanent marker experiment action: rename old name: 2ml vial new name: empty labelled 2ml vial experiment action add component 1: competent cells volume: 50microl equipment: pipette start container: total competent cell vial end container: empty labelled 2ml vial experiment action: rename old name: empty labelled 2ml vial new name: labelled competent cell vial experiment action: move object: labelled competent cell vial number of objects: 6 start location : in lamina flow hood end location : in -80C deep freeze equipment: -80C deep freeze post-condition: labelled competent cell vial in -80C deep freeze equipment: [Wayne: put how many of each where necessary] vial inoculating loop 1 conical flask 1 centrifuge tube 2 sterile container 1 petri dish 2 bunsen burner 1 laminar flow hood 1 centrifuge 2 bench top centrifuge 1 autoclave 1 spectrophotometer 1 vortex mixer 1 pipette 3 hot cupboard 1 flask 2 beaker 1 jar 2 ice machine 1 -80C deep freeze 1 cold room 1