Computer Vision, CS34110

The vast majority of the materials and resources for this module are on the Blackboard site. However, that platform is not very good at displaying interactive webpages, and I have come across (and/or written:-) a handful of useful demonstrations which use JavaScript to highlight computer vision concepts. These I will collect here.

Python based OpenCV code samples

There are various demos and videos I've used during the module and as I go I'll also put the code up here. Most of these are basically hacks of the OpenCV sample code - they're just demos of standard methods, after all.

To use these:

  1. Install OpenCV with Python support and the samples
  2. Copy (from the samples/python2 directory) video.pyc common.pyc and to your 341 directory
  3. Put the python files below in the same directory
  4. Look at the comments of my hacky stuff to see what it takes in terms of parameters (it will either take none, or an image filename, probably!)
  5. You can download the whole lot here as a .tgz file: demos.tgz

Generic opencv

Edge detection, and edge grouping

Feature and corner detection

Non-free features...

You can install some very popular and common non-free features in opencv if you want. Note: these aren't installed on the uni machines so won't work in the delph.


Background subtraction

Feature tracking

I am not a python guru (by anyone's measure) - usually I code in c++. I've gone for Python here as I have been told that installing c++ OpenCV on Windows is terrible, but python is OK, and these are just simple demos for you to play with.

Note - the Facebook Group will also be used for linking online demos, and I will link to the materials here from Blackboard, too. So you don't need to watch this page, it's just a repository.