Welsh Crucible/Learned Society of Wales Award

Congratulations to Dr Berit Bliesemann de Guervara who has won The Welsh Crucible/Learned Society of Wales Award for the Best Collaborative Welsh Crucible Project 2011-2015.

The project was a collaboration between Dr Berit Bliesemann de Guevara (an expert in post-war peace-making at Aberystwyth University who participated in Welsh Crucible 2015), Dr Gameiro (a Welsh Crucible 2015 participant from Cardiff University whose research looks at the psychosocial aspects of fertility and parenthood decision-making), and Dr Lisa El Refaie (whose work at Cardiff University focuses on visual and multimodal forms of communication). Together, they used diverse disciplinary perspectives to explore the experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) couples coping with infertility. The project aimed to overcome both language and cultural barriers to expressing these difficult experiences through the use of drawing workshops and encouraging the use of visual metaphors. Based on the success of this project, Dr Bliesemann de Guevara is now using the drawing method to explore local experiences with violent conflict in Myanmar.

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:17:00 BST