To unpack the ART Corpus ---------------------------------------- For linux + mac users: * Download the ART_Corpus.tar.gz file and save it to a local folder (e.g. /Users/myhome/art_corpus) * Open a terminal window and navigate to the art_corpus directory (by typing "cd /Users/myhome/art_corpus") * Type the command: gunzip ART_Corpus.tar.gz * And then: tar -xvf ART_Corpus.tar The last two commands can also be replaces by: * tar -xvfz ART_Corpus.tar.gz This should create the ART_Corpus folder and its subfolders For windows users: * Download the ART_Corpus.tar.gz file and save it to a local folder (e.g. C:art_corpus) * Download the open source 7-zip utility available from * To use 7-zip to unpack the corpus, follow the simple instructions at: