Exibition and Talk

11 October 2012

Double Exposure: Jewish Refugees from Austria in Britain

This exibition features refugees from Austria who settled in the UK, among them the violinist Norbert Brainin, the photographer and cameraman Wolf Suschitzky, the dance teacher Stella Mann, and the composer Joseph Horowitz. The exhibition (organised by Andrea Hammel and curated by Bea Lewkowicz) can be seen at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre Cafe Gallery from 11 February until 7 April 2012.

From Berlin to Aberystwyth: The Life and History of a Former Kindertransportee

Retired University Librarian William Dieneman will talk about his early life in Germany, his flight to the UK as part of the Kindertransport in 1939, and his education, career and later life in the UK.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012 at 4pm in Hugh Owen Building A14.

You can read more in this pdf: Hammel Do