Assessment Criteria for Essays and Examinations (Content Modules)

%Knowledge and Understanding of the SubjectUse of External Sources/ReferencingStructure of AnswerRelevanceLanguage and Expression
70+ An extensive knowledge of the subject area and a full understanding of the topic/s taught. Very strong evidence of reading and independent research using reliable resources, referenced correctly. Ability to introduce a sophisticated argument, presented in a coherent, clear and logical manner.  An ability to concentrate fully on the task in hand and show an awareness of what is relevant and significant. Shows a strong grasp of the language used, along with sophisticated style.
60-69 Substantial  knowledge of the subject area and a good understanding of the topic/s taught. Good evidence of reading and independent research using reliable resources, mostly referenced correctly. Ability to introduce a clear argument, presented fairly coherently, clearly and logically. The ability to concentrate on the task in hand and show awareness of what is relevant and significant. Shows a good grasp of the language used, with an appropriate vocabulary and style.
50-59 Competent knowledge of the subject area and a reasonable understanding of the topic/s taught. Some evidence of reading and independent research using mainly reliable resources. Referencing exists but may not always be correct. The ability to present an argument but with some difficulty regarding coherence, clarity and logic. Some ability to concentrate on the task in hand with a tendency to digress and include irrelevant elements. A fair grasp of the language used. Obvious infelicities which may impede meaning and detract from style. Sufficient but undeveloped vocabulary.
40-49 Rudimentary knowledge of the subject area and limited understanding of the topic/s taught. Little evidence of reading and independent research. Some ability to present arguments, but unable to develop argument clearly, coherently and logically. Some ability to concentrate on the task in hand with a marked tendency to digress and include irrelevant elements. An elementary grasp of the language used. Frequent mistakes which impede meaning and style. Poor vocabulary.
0-39 Lack of knowledge of the subject area and little understanding of the topic/s taught. No evidence of reading and independent research. Obvious inability to present an argument. Obvious inability to concentrate on the task in hand Inability to write coherently in the language used.

*These assessment criteria are intended only as general guidelines for examiners and students. In cases where students demonstrate a combination of strengths and weaknesses examiners will exercise their judgement in awarding a final mark