Assessment Criteria for Year Abroad Dissertations

 Language - Weighting 50%Content - Weighting 50%
I Consistent precision and grammatical accuracy (no
major flaws or faults); wide range of structures and
vocabulary; reads (or sounds) like authentic (i.e.,
native) language
Clear, organized, articulate exposition, with outstanding
grasp of the material; significant evidence of independent
reading, and some evidence of original ideas
IIi Consistent grammatical accuracy (not too many major
flaws or faults); good range of structures and
vocabulary; reads well (or sounds acceptable) without
undue clumsiness or (where applicable) interference
from the source language
Clear, organized, exposition, with good grasp of the
material; signs of original reading; evidence of having
thoroughly understood and digested the material to the
point of being able to redeploy, extrapolate from, and
develop it; answers the question set
IIii Acceptable level of grammatical accuracy (though
probably with major flaws and faults); ability to use
structures and vocabulary to convey what is meant,
although probably with some clumsiness or (where
applicable) interference from the source language
Organized exposition, reasonable grasp of the material,
evidence of having understood the material; may well be a
reasonable answer, but not one which answers the question
III Rudimentary level of basic grammatical accuracy (with
numerous major flaws and faults); limited ability to
use structures and vocabulary to convey what is
meant, although with systematic interference from the
source language
Comprehensible exposition; very basic grasp of the
material; some evidence of having understood the material
at a fairly elementary level, perhaps with evidence of
 Pass Systematic grammatical inaccuracy; inability to use
structures and vocabulary to convey what is meant;
systematic and wholesale interference from the source
Poor and/or incomprehensible exposition; unreliable and
very rudimentary grasp of the material; no evidence of
having understood the material, and probably substantial
evidence of major and fundamental misunderstandings