Module Identifier GG22110  
Academic Year 2003/2004  
Co-ordinator Dr Geoff Duller  
Semester Semester 2 (Taught over 2 semesters)  
Other staff Dr Richard M Lucas, Dr Sarah J Davies  
Co-Requisite Normally Single or Joint Honours Geography  
Mutually Exclusive DA22110  
Course delivery Seminars / Tutorials   10 (meetings in alternate weeks over both semesters)  
Assessment TypeAssessment Length/DetailsProportion
Semester Assessment Course Work: In order to pass the module students must complete and submit all 6 assignments (5 assignments for joint honours) required for assessment. Students should note that attendance at tutorials is compulsory, as is submission of work by the deadline set by the tutor. Any absences should be agreed with the tutor in advance, and illness immediately notified to him/her. Unexplained absence will result in the initiation of disciplinary procedures. Late submission of assignments without good cause and without prior approval of the tutor will result in imposition of the late submission penalties set out on page 4.100%
Supplementary Assessment Students who fail the module will normally be allowed a resit, which will involve the resubmission of failed assignments and the submission of any assignments which were not submitted. Marks for assignments already assessed at 40% or more will be carried forward. In the absence of extenuating circumstances (eg. illness), the maximum mark available on assignments submitted for resit will be 40%. 

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module students should be able to :-


The Level 2 tutorial module is obligatory for 2nd year students following Single and Joint Honours degree schemes in Geography. It may be taken by other students only by special arrangement with the Module Co-ordinator. It provides a basis for close and regular supervisory contact with students throughout the year.

It has three specific objectives. First, as a source of close, working contact, it will address the general academic and pastoral problems confronted by students during the year. Second, each Geography Tutorial Module is designed to have its own independent academic syllabus. At Level 2 this will focus on the theory and practice of geography and contemporary debates within Physical or Human Geography. Third, it will address a defined syllabus of study skills enabling students to cope more effectively with the demands of academic study, develop transferable skills, and enable them to exploit more fully the possibilities offered by our programme.

Academic course work in the Level 2 Tutorial Module will deal with the theory and practice of Geography, and with contemporary themes of debate within the subject. Their work will be developed through tutorial discussion and tutorial essays, as set out below.

The study skills covered by the Level 2 Tutorial Module will deal with the following:

During the first semester, the tutorial module will focus on essential study skills and on the nature of geographical discourse. Assessment will be based on three pieces of submitted work. These will comprise:

During the second semester, the tutorial module will focus on discussion of theory and practice in geography and on preparation for an independent geographical study. For single honours students, the semester is intended to provide direct support for dissertation preparation. The assessed end product will be three background papers, maximum length 1800 words each, covering research methodology, problem identification and the preparation of a dissertation contextual essay and literature review.

For joint honours students, who do not present a Geography dissertation in the third year, this section of the module will provide an introduction to geographical research methodology and practice, and an opportunity to carry out their own research project as part of the tutorial module. The assessed end-products will be one background paper, maximum length 1800 words and one research paper, maximum length 3000 words.

Reading Lists

R.H. Haines-Young and J.R. Petch (1986) Physical Geography: Its Nature and Methods
P. Cloke, C. Philo and D. Sadler (1991) Approaching Human Geography. An Introduction to Contemporary Debates


This module is at CQFW Level 5