Module Identifier GG21920  
Academic Year 2004/2005  
Co-ordinator Dr Peter W Abrahams  
Semester Semester 2  
Other staff Dr Paul A Brewer  
Pre-Requisite Acceptance to Single Honours Geography  
Course delivery Practical   Practicals / Field Days. 3 x 2 hours (Introductory Sessions); 5 x 4 hours (Practicals); Up to 10 days (Fieldcourse).  
Assessment TypeAssessment Length/DetailsProportion
Semester Assessment Course Work: Written Reports and maps/graphs to be submitted during the fieldwork period and during Week 11 of the Semester. Students who fail to attend the field course without good reason will not be permitted a resit. Students who attend the field course but fail the assessment will be given the opportunity to resubmit assessments by a date to be agreed with the module co-ordinator for a maximum mark of 40%. Students whose reasons for failing to attend the field course are condoned will be permitted to submit a 5,000 word project for assessment of a type and by a date to be agreed with the module co-ordinator, for a maximum mark of 100%. 100%

Learning outcomes

On succesful completion of the module, students should :

On completion of the module, students should also possess skills in the following:-


To provide the technical framework for study of physical environments and to allow the development of expertise in specific measurement techniques.


  1. Fieldcourse organisation: to include aspects of project planning and appropriate practicals
  2. Fieldcourse.
  3. Report preparation practicals


This module is at CQFW Level 5