


Minor succinate dehydrogenase isozyme; homologous to Sdh1p, the major isozyme reponsible for the oxidation of succinate and transfer of electrons to ubiquinone; induced during the diauxic shift in a Cat8p-dependent manner
Also known as: SDH1b

go molecular function : succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity (IGI, IMP, ISS)

go biological process : cellular respiration (IGI, IMP)



(2.12.08 – not working)


strong similarity to Sdh1p and other succinate dehydrogenases succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) |



Minor succinate dehydrogenase isozyme; homologous to Sdh1p, the
major isozyme reponsible for the oxidation of succinate and transfer
of electrons to ubiquinone; induced during the diauxic shift in a
Cat8p-dependent manner [EC:]


Literature examined:


Haurie V, et al.  (2001) The transcriptional activator Cat8p provides a major contribution to the reprogramming of carbon metabolism during the diauxic shift in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem 276(1):76-85

No direct evidence for succinate dehydrogenase activity.

European Journal of Biochemistry Volume 239 Issue 2 Page 427-433, July 1996

l-Aspartate Oxidase from Escherichia coli

II. Interaction with C4 Dicarboxylic Acids and Identification of a Novel l-Aspartate:Fumarate Oxidoreductase Activity

Evidence that E. coli l-Aspartate Oxidase binds fumarate and succinate.