Wales Innovation Network

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What is the Wales Innovation Network?

The Wales Innovation Network (WIN) is a collaborative platform that connects universities, businesses, and research organisations to foster innovation, drive economic growth, and support knowledge exchange.

WIN plays a pivotal role in driving innovation, knowledge exchange, and economic growth in Wales. The network brings together a diverse network of universities, businesses, research organisations, and innovators. WIN serves as a bridge between academia and industry, and facilitates the sharing of expertise, resources, and innovative ideas.

Its core mission is to foster synergies between these stakeholders, creating an environment where ideas and research translate into tangible solutions and economic opportunities.

It acts as a catalyst for research and development initiatives, enabling businesses to access the latest advancements and universities to apply research in real-world contexts. This not only fuels economic growth but also enhances the competitiveness and sustainability of businesses within Wales.

Aberystwyth University Membership with WIN

The main goal of Aberystwyth University’s is to forge a strategic partnership with WIN to facilitate collaborative innovation and knowledge sharing.

We aim to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, research, and expertise between the University, businesses and other organisations associated with WIN.

We also identify and explore research opportunities, grants, and funding options available through WIN to support research projects at the University.

Upcoming funding opportunities

Upcoming funding opportunities to be announced on this page when available.