4. Reporting of Suspected Unacceptable Academic Practice in Non-examinations conditions

4.1 All staff who suspect that Unacceptable Academic Practice has occurred should submit a written report to the Chair of the relevant Examination Board, along with the relevant documentary evidence, according to the Guidance on Academic Practice.

4.2 It is the responsibility of members of staff who submit a report of suspected Unacceptable Academic Practice to provide all relevant documentary evidence, including statements from witnesses and copies of suspected sources.

4.3 In the case of a test contributing to the final module result, which is conducted under the aegis of the Department, the invigilator shall report to the Chair of the relevant Examination Board.

4.4 An internal or external examiner or any other person who, whether during the marking period or subsequently suspects that a student has engaged in Unacceptable Academic Practice, shall report the matter in writing to the Chair of the relevant Examination Board as soon as possible.