Women in Research Network

The Aberystwyth University Women In Research (WIRN) has been established by Aberystwyth University for all staff who identify as women or non-binary and have an interest in research regardless of grade, job family or contract length.

The aims of the Women in Research Network are as follows:

  • To provide a forum for staff who identify as women (inclusive of cis-women and trans-women) or non-binary people to network, discuss, and raise awareness on issues relating to gender equality in research
  • To provide professional support and networking opportunities that advances women in research
  • To provide and signpost members to training and development opportunities to advance women in research
  • To act as a voice for research staff who identify as women or non-binary, offering a source of support and a means of communicating with the University about gender equality issues that impact on research in relation to University policies and practices
  • Assist with policy development on Gender Equality Staff issues by providing advice and feedback to Human Resources, the Research and Innovation Committee and other relevant University committees
  • To work with and develop strategic alumni relationships, to better promote and develop the profile and research of women in academia
  • We aim to liaise with other equalities groups and networks within Aberystwyth University. We would also like to collaborate with other Women in Research Networks or organisations beyond Aberystwyth University. 

What does the Women in Research Network organising committee do?

  • Organise events that are themed on a range of relevant subjects. These are open to any staff involved in research who identify as women or non-binary and/or care about gender equality in research. We are delighted to welcome new attendees and contributions from new attendees. We aim to be involved in at least two WIRN events each year.
  • Engage with Aberystwyth University infrastructure to shape and improve policy and practices that impact on women in research. This includes producing reports as an output of some WIRN events.

How do I join the Women in Research Network?

No formal registration is necessary to join the Women in Research Network (WIRN) or to participate in events. Membership of WIRN is voluntary and open to all Aberystwyth University staff who identify as women or non-binary and have an interest in research regardless of grade, job family or contract length. WIRN events are open to any staff involved in research who identify as women or non-binary and/or care about gender equality in research.

Details of WIRN meetings and events are circulated by e-mail, including the all-staff weekly AU e-mail. Colleagues may also wish to join the WIRN ‘Teams’ site, which is accessed via the AU Research Forum ‘Teams’ site.

For further information contact Dylan Jones, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (dej20@aber.ac.uk, 01970 62 8424)