Ria McLean, MSc Equine Science

Equine Lecturer: Berkshire College of Agriculture and Wiltshire College & University Centre

Following my BSc in Equine Science, I realised I was not quite yet ready to leave the beautiful scenery, welcoming people and great university that is Aberystwyth, so I embarked on the MSc programme. The MSc in Equine Science was intense however I thoroughly enjoyed every moment. The course itself was split with the first semester covering a wide array of species, this enabled me to make comparisons and strengthen my knowledge in the agricultural sector. In the latter part of the taught course everyone could hone into their individual interest, mine being equine. The lecturing staff were vital in helping me achieve the MSc alongside the excellent resources that could be utilised. Both of which were integral in completing my MSc dissertation on the “Incidence of Caslick vulvoplasty operations in a population of Thoroughbred mares”. I was fortunate to gain the UFAW welfare scholarship in order to complete this research which was presented at their annual conference in Newcastle 2014 and presented again at BSAS conference 2016.

After completing the MSc, the knowledge and confidence that I attained enabled me to gain a career as HE Equine Coordinator and  Equine Lecturer at Berkshire College of Agriculture and now an Equine Lecturer at Wiltshire College and University, these posts have provided me training to gain my BHS coach in Complete Horsemanship and the skill to teach a multitude of equine-related subjects to a range of FE and HE students.

Aberystwyth and IBERS were a good home to me for 4 years; I would recommend this course to anyone looking a challenge (but with structured support in place if needed!).