Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Academic Year
Semester 1 (Taught over 2 semesters)
One Learning & Teaching (Subject Method) core module frulm EDM5040, EDM5240, EDM5340, EDM5540
PGDE entry requirements

Course Delivery

Delivery Type Delivery length / details
Lecture Lectures: 2 hours x 10 weeks


Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (2500 WORDS)  100%
Supplementary Assessment WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (2500 WORDS)  A new title will be set.  100%

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an awareness of the subject content and curriculum of Geography at Key Stages 3;
2. Critically discuss issues pertinent to the planning and delivery of Geography;
3. Critically draw upon lesson observations and team teaching (where appropriate) with the view of enhancing their knowledge and confidence in Geography.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number
Communication Via workshop activities, trainees will be required to share professional development experiences and encouraged to express their views and opinions on educational matters (not assessed). Their critical review of their professional development forms a key facet of this module and is assessed.
Improving own Learning and Performance Dissemination of good practices and school experiences will encouraged via group discussions. Trainees will be encouraged to audit their Option Subject experiences in their PDP.
Information Technology Using the Web for research purposes and also to word-process assignment.
Personal Development and Career planning Trainees' strengths and priorities for future professional developments forms an element of the Professional Development Portfolio. Completing the PDP will enable students to identify more clearly the evidence that substantiates their achievements (strengths, abilities, skills), aspirations and professional development priorities, and will help them to complete Section A of the Career Entry Profile that will act as a summary of their Initial Teacher Training as well as preparing them for their Induction period.
Problem solving Trainees will be required to select the most appropriate teaching and assessment strategies for topics within their subject. They will also consider the approaches to the teaching of controversial topics.
Research skills Trainees will be required to synthesise and evaluate critically information relating to relevant issues in the teaching of their option subject.
Subject Specific Skills Skills pertaining to the teaching of Geography
Team work Dissemination of good practices and school experiences will be encouraged via group discussions.


This module is at CQFW Level 6