Programme Specifications

Cymraeg y Gweithle Proffesiynol / Busnes a Rheolaeth

1 : Awarding Institution / Body
Aberystwyth University

2a : Teaching Institution / University
Aberystwyth University

2b : Work-based learning (where appropriate)

Information provided by Department of Welsh:

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

3a : Programme accredited by
Aberystwyth University

3b : Programme approved by
Aberystwyth University

4 : Final Award
Bachelor of Arts

5 : Programme title
Cymraeg y Gweithle Proffesiynol / Busnes a Rheolaeth

6 : UCAS code

7 : QAA Subject Benchmark

Information provided by Department of Welsh:

Datganiad Meincnodi’r Gymraeg gan yr Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd Addysg Uwch.

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

8 : Date of publication

Information provided by Department of Welsh:

Medi 2023

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

September 2023

9 : Educational aims of the programme

Information provided by Department of Welsh:

  • Rhoi i’r myfyrwyr y cyfle i astudio’r iaith Gymraeg a’i llenyddiaeth ar wastad academaidd uchel, gan roi iddynt y moddion i’w deall, eu dadansoddi a’u gwerthfawrogi fel rhan ganolog o hanes meddwl, dychymyg a mynegiant y Cymry.

  • Meithrin mewn myfyrwyr y gallu i adnabod teithi’r iaith Gymraeg, a’u galluogi  i’w mynegi eu hunain ynddi, ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig, yn hyderus, yn rhugl ac  yn gywir

  • Cynorthwyo myfyrwyr i ddeall ac i werthfawrogi grym mynegiannol iaith.

  • Meithrin dealltwriaeth o’r broses greadigol ac o werth gweithiau llenyddol.

  • Meithrin mewn myfyrwyr y gallu i feddwl drostynt eu hunain, i feithrin barn feirniadol a golygwedd hanesyddol, a, lle bo’n berthnasol, i feithrin eu doniau llenyddol.

  • Ennyn mewn myfyrwyr frwdfrydedd tuag at y pwnc.

  • Darparu profiad cyffrous a boddhaus o ran dysgu ac addysgu.

  • Meithrin sgiliau trosglwyddadwy a fydd yn berthnasol i ddatblygiad personol y myfyrwyr ac a fydd yn gaffaeliad iddynt pan gyflogir hwy maes o law.

  • Paratoi myfyrwyr ar gyfer ymateb i ofynion cyflogwyr mewn gyrfaoedd lle byddant yn arddel cymhwyster yn y Gymraeg a lle disgwylir iddynt ddefnyddio’r iaith yn gyson ar wastad uchel.

  • Gosod sylfaen ar gyfer astudio pellach o fewn cwmpas y pwnc ei hun ac o fewn meysydd perthynol.

Y mae’r amcanion uchod yn gyson â Datganiad Meincnodi’r Gymraeg a gyhoeddwyd gan yr Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd Addysg Uwch.



Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

  1. To study organisations, their management and the changing external environment in which they operate. The programme covers a wide range of organisations, including public, private and not-for-profit, and focuses on all of the key functional areas of management at both the strategic and operational levels.

  2. To prepare for a career in business and management, including the development of a range of specific business knowledge and skills, together with improved self-awareness and personal development appropriate to graduates with the potential to progress into management positions. The programme encourages the development of positive and critical attitudes towards change and enterprise.

  3. To enhance lifelong learning skills and personal development to contribute to society at large.

  4. To develop and enhance a range of general transferable intellectual and study skills, which whilst being highly appropriate to careers in business and management, are not exclusive to these career choices.

10 : Intended learning outcomes

Information provided by Department of Welsh:

Canlyniadau Dysgu arfaethedig - mae’r rhaglen yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr ddatblygu a dangos gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth, sgiliau, doniau a nodweddion eraill yn y meysydd canlynol:

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

The learning outcomes of this programme are designed to meet the expectations of the benchmarking statement for General Business and Management. The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, skills, qualities arid other attributes in the following areas.

10.1 : Knowledge and understanding

Information provided by Department of Welsh:

  • A1. Gwybodaeth drylwyr o deithi’r iaith Gymraeg.

  • A2. Gwybod sut i ddisgrifio a dadansoddi iaith gan ddefnyddio’r eirfa dechnegol briodol.

  • A3. Ymwybyddiaeth gyffredinol o ddatblygiad yr iaith Gymraeg drwy’r oesoedd ac o brif gyfnodau hanesyddol yr iaith.

  • A4. Gwybodaeth o lenyddiaeth Gymraeg hen a diweddar.

  • A5. Gwybodaeth ynghylch hanes llenyddiaeth Gymraeg ac o’r ffactorau hanesyddol, cymdeithasol a deallusol a ddylanwadodd arni drwy’r oesoedd.

  • A6. Gwybodaeth sut i drin gweithiau llenyddol yn feirniadol, gan ddefnyddio geirfa dechnegol lle bo hynny’n briodol.

  • A7. Adnabyddiaeth o wahanol ddulliau a genres llenyddol a’r teithi a’r nodweddion a berthyn iddynt.

  • A8. Ymwybyddiaeth o’r gwahanol ddulliau o astudio llenyddiaeth, gan gynnwys amgyffrediad o berthnasedd  cysyniadau beirniadol.

  • A9. Gwybodaeth ynghylch y cysylltiadau rhwng llenyddiaeth Gymraeg a llenyddiaeth mewn ieithoedd eraill ac o le testunau llenyddol Cymraeg o fewn patrymau diwylliannol rhyngwladol.

  • A10. Ymwybyddiaeth o swyddogaeth iaith a llenyddiaeth mewn perthynas â meithrin, cynnal a datblygu’r hunaniaeth genedlaethol Gymreig.

  • A11. Ymwybyddiaeth o sefyllfa gymdeithasol bresennol yr iaith ac o’r dulliau a ddefnyddir i’w hyrwyddo a’i hadfer.

  • A12. Cynefindra â ffynonellau cyfeirio safonol yn ymwneud â’r Gymraeg a’i diwylliant, ar ffurf brintiedig ac electronig.

Y mae’r elfennau a nodir uchod yn gyson â Datganiad Meincnodi’r Gymraeg a gyhoeddwyd gan yr Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd Addysg Uwch.

Y dulliau dysgu, addysgu ac asesu a ddefnyddir i gyflawni a dangos y canlyniadau dysgu yr anelir atynt:

Darlithoedd; darllen dan gyfarwyddyd; seminarau; dosbarthiadau tiwtorial; dosbarthiadau iaith; dosbarthiadau darllen testun; gweithdai; paratoi ac ysgrifennu traethodau; gweithio ar draethawd hir neu brosiect; rhoi cyflwyniadau a thrafod cyflwyniadau myfyrwyr eraill; gwaith maes.

Dull asesu:

Arholiadau ysgrifenedig; profion llafar; gwaith cwrs (yn bennaf, traethodau); gwaith prosiect; profion iaith; traethawd estynedig; gwaith ffolio (gan gynnwys ysgrifennu creadigol, ymarferion iaith).

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

  1. Markets - the development and operation of markets for resources, goods and services

  2. Customers - customer expectations, service and orientation

  3. Finance - the sources, uses and management of finance; the use of accounting and other information systems for managerial applications

  4. People - the management and development of people Within organisations

  5. Operations - the management of resources and operations

  6. Business policy and strategy - the development of appropriate policies and strategies within a changing environment, to meet stakeholder interests

  7. Pervasive issues - sustainability, globalisation, corporate social responsibility, diversity, business innovation, creativity, enterprise development, knowledge management and risk management.

Learning and Teaching

Formal teaching in lectures including lecture capture recordings. Use of seminars and tutorials to reinforce subject teaching, often by means of problem based scenarios and case studies. Guided learning is provided by individual module outlines and supplementary reading lists specifying sources of relevant information, available in hard copy and on blackboard. Group work and presentations may be used in some modules. Feedback on assignments.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

A broad range of assessment methods, including individual essays, reports, presentations, an individual project, group reports and presentations, and unseen written examinations.

10.2 : Skills and other attributes

Information provided by Department of Welsh:

  • B1. Sgiliau ieithyddol ymarferol a fydd yn cynnwys y gallu i drafod pynciau cymhleth yn raenus, yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar.

  • B2. Medrau dadansoddi iaith a’r defnydd ohoni mewn amrywiol sefyllfaoedd.

  • B3. Y gallu i gynnull ac i gyfleu gwybodaeth ynghylch testunau llenyddol ac i ymdrin â hwy yn feirniadol yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar.

  • B4. Y gallu i ymateb yn briodol i’r defnydd o iaith ac o’r dychymyg mewn llenyddiaeth.

  • B5. Y gallu i ystyried llenyddiaeth yn ei chyd-destun hanesyddol, cymdeithasol a syniadol.

  • B6. Y gallu i adnabod confensiynau llenyddol ac i werthfawrogi eu defnydd a’u swyddogaeth mewn perthynas â genres  llenyddol arbennig.

  • B7. Llunio llyfryddiaethau a chyfeirio mewn modd safonol a chyson at ffynonellau.        


Y mae’r elfennau a nodir uchod yn gyson â Datganiad Meincnodi’r Gymraeg a gyhoeddwyd gan yr Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd Addysg Uwch. 

Y dulliau dysgu, addysgu ac asesu a ddefnyddir i gyflawni a dangos y canlyniadau dysgu yr anelir atynt:

Darlithoedd; darllen dan gyfarwyddyd; seminarau; dosbarthiadau tiwtorial; dosbarthiadau iaith; dosbarthiadau darllen testun; gweithdai; paratoi ac ysgrifennu traethodau; gweithio ar draethawd hir neu brosiect; rhoi cyflwyniadau a thrafod cyflwyniadau myfyrwyr eraill; gwaith maes.

Dull asesu:

Arholiadau ysgrifenedig; profion llafar; gwaith cwrs (yn bennaf, traethodau); gwaith prosiect; profion iaith; traethawd estynedig; gwaith ffolio (gan gynnwys ysgrifennu creadigol, ymarferion iaith).

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

10.2.1 Intellectual Skills

  1. Cognitive skills of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis. This includes the capability to identify assumptions, evaluate statements in terms of evidence, to detect false logic or reasoning, to identify implicit values, to define terms adequately and to generalise appropriately.

  2. Effective problem solving and decision making.

  3. Using appropriate qualitative and quantitative skills, including data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation and use of models/frameworks·of business problems and phenomena.

  4. Identifying, formulating and solving business problems, demonstrating the ability to create, evaluate and assess a range of options together with the capacity to apply ideas and knowledge to a range of situations.

Learning and Teaching

Formal teaching in lectures including lecture capture recordings. Use of seminars and tutorials to reinforce subject teaching, often by means of problem based scenarios and case studies. Guided learning is provided by individual module outlines and supplementary reading lists specifying sources of relevant information, available in hard copy and on blackboard. Group work and presentations may be used in some modules. Feedback on assignments.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

A broad range of assessment methods, including individual essays, reports, presentations, an individual project, group reports and presentations, and unseen written examinations.

10.2.2 Professional practical skills / Discipline Specific Skills

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to demonstrate:

  1. An ability to conduct research into business and management issues, either individually or as part of a team for projects/dissertations/presentations. This requires familiarity with and an evaluative approach to a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies, and for such to inform the overall learning process.

  2. Effective performance within a team environment, including leadership, team building, influencing and project management skills.

  3. Demonstrate interpersonal skills of effective listening, negotiating, persuasion and presentation.

  4. Demonstrate effective use of communication and information technology for business applications.

Learning and Teaching

Formal teaching in lectures including lecture capture recordings. Use of seminars and tutorials to reinforce subject teaching, often by means of problem based scenarios and case studies. Guided learning is provided by individual module outlines and supplementary reading lists specifying sources of relevant information, available in hard copy and on blackboard. Group work and presentations may be used in some modules. Feedback on assignments.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

A broad range of assessment methods, including individual essays, reports, presentations, an individual project, group reports and presentations, and unseen written examinations.

10.3 : Transferable/Key skills

Information provided by Department of Welsh:

  • D1. Gallu mynegiant graenus yn y Gymraeg ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig.

  • D2. Gallu i gyfleu dadleuon yn gydlynus ac yn groyw ac mewn modd argyhoeddiadol.

  • D3. Gallu i feddwl yn annibynnol.

  • D4. Gallu i ymagweddu’n feirniadol ac i ddadansoddi a chrynhoi dadleuon a safbwyntiau a gyflwynir gan eraill.

  • D5. Gallu i weithio’n annibynnol ac i gywain gwybodaeth yn drefnus a phwrpasol o amryw ffynonellau, i’w chloriannu’n feirniadol gan ddethol elfennau arwyddocaol a dilys, a’i chyflwyno i eraill ar ffurf gydlynus ac ystyrlon.

  • D6. Gallu i ddeall ac i ddatblygu cysyniadau cymhleth ac i ymdrin â hwynt yn feirniadol ac yn ddadansoddol.

  • D7. Gallu i weithio yn fanwl ac yn drylwyr.

  • D8. Medrau trefniadol mewn perthynas â thasgau gosodedig, gan gynnwys rheoli amser yn effeithiol.

  • D9. Sgiliau technoleg gwybodaeth sylfaenol, gan gynnwys prosesu geiriau, a’r gallu i gywain gwybodaeth o ffynonellau electronig.

  • D10. Golygu gwaith cyn ei gyflwyno mewn diwyg clir a graenus.

  • D11. Gallu i ddeall hanfodion deunydd a luniwyd mewn iaith arall/ieithoedd eraill ac i’w gyfieithu i’r Gymraeg neu ei ailfynegi yn y Gymraeg.

Y mae’r elfennau a nodir uchod yn gyson â Datganiad Meincnodi’r Gymraeg a gyhoeddwyd gan yr Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd Addysg Uwch. 

Y dulliau dysgu, addysgu ac asesu a ddefnyddir i gyflawni a dangos y canlyniadau dysgu yr anelir atynt:

Yn gyffredinol dysgir sgiliau trosglwyddadwy/allweddol drwy ddilyn y modiwlau a astudir, hynny yw, y mae eu meithrin yn gysylltiedig â dulliau dysgu’r modiwlau.    

Ymhlith y dulliau hynny y mae darlithiau, darllen dan gyfarwyddyd, seminarau, dosbarthiadau tiwtorial, paratoi ac ysgrifennu traethodau, a rhoi cyflwyniadau.

Asesir y sgiliau hyn mewn arholiadau ffurfiol, profion iaith, gwaith cwrs, ac asesu llafar.

Y mae mesur gallu’r myfyrwyr i’w mynegi eu hunain yn raenus yn y Gymraeg yn rhan o asesu pob modiwl. 

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to demonstrate:

  1. Communication skills

  2. Improving own learning and performance

  3. Team work skills

  4. Information technology skills

  5. Quantitative skills

  6. Personal development and career planning

Learning and Teaching

Formal teaching in lectures including lecture capture recordings. Use of seminars and tutorials to reinforce subject teaching, often by means of problem based scenarios and case studies. Guided learning is provided by individual module outlines and supplementary reading lists specifying sources of relevant information, available in hard copy and on blackboard. Group work and presentations may be used in some modules. Feedback on assignments.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

A broad range of assessment methods, including individual essays, reports, presentations, an individual project, group reports and presentations, and unseen written examinations.

11 : Program Structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards

BA Cymraeg y Gweithle Proffesiynol / Busnes a Rheolaeth [QN51]

Academic Year: 2023/2024Joint Honours scheme - available from 2019/2020

Duration (studying Full-Time): 3 years
Last intake year: 2023/2024

Part 1 Rules

Year 1 Core (60 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance


Hanfodion Rheolaeth a Busnes

Semester 2

Egwyddorion Marchnata ac Ymarfer Cyfoes

Year 1 Options

Llwybr IAITH GYNTAF: Rhaid cymryd y modiwlau craidd hyn

Semester 1

Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar


Sgiliau Astudio Iaith a Llên

Semester 2

Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar

Year 1 Options

Llwybr AIL IAITH: Rhaid cymryd y modiwlau craidd hyn

Semester 1

Ysgrifennu Cymraeg Graenus

Semester 2

Ysgrifennu Cymraeg Graenus

Year 1 Options

Llwybr IAITH GYNTAF HEB LEFEL A: Rhaid cymryd y modiwlau craidd hyn

Semester 1

Ysgrifennu Cymraeg Graenus


Sgiliau Astudio Iaith a Llên

Semester 2

Ysgrifennu Cymraeg Graenus

Part 2 Rules

Year 2 Core (40 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Rheolaeth Adnoddau Dynol

Semester 2

Gweithrediadau a Rheoli'r Gadwyn Cyflenwi

Year 2 Options

Llwybr IAITH GYNTAF: Rhaid cymryd y modiwl craidd hwn.

Semester 1

Gloywi Iaith

Semester 2

Gloywi Iaith

Year 2 Options

Llwybr AIL IAITH: Rhaid cymryd y modiwlau craidd hyn.

Semester 1

Cymraeg y Gweithle Proffesiynol


Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar

Semester 2

Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar

Year 2 Options

Gallwch ddewis 20 credyd o'r modiwlau canlynol.

Semester 1

Rheolaeth Marchnata

Semester 2

Entreprenwriaeth a Chreu Menter Newydd

Year 2 Options

Llwybr IAITH GYNTAF HEB LEFEL A: Rhaid cymryd y modiwl craidd hwn.

Semester 1

Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar

Semester 2

Cymraeg Llyfr a Chymraeg Llafar

Year 2 Options

Llwybr IAITH GYNTAF a IAITH GYNTAF HEB LEFEL A: Gallwch ddewis 40 credyd o fodiwlau lefel 2 awdurdodedig Adran y Gymraeg ac Astudiaethau Celtaidd ar draws semester 1 a 2.

Year 2 Options

Llwybr AIL IAITH: Gallwch ddewis 20 credyd o fodiwlau lefel 2 awdurdodedig Adran y Gymraeg ac Astudiaethau Celtaidd ar draws semester 1 a 2.

Final Year Core (40 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Arweinyddiaeth Strategol

Semester 2

Financial Strategy

Final Year Options

Llwybr IAITH GYNTAF: Dewiswch 60 credyd o fodiwlau lefel 3 awdurdodedig Adran y Gymraeg ac Astudiaethau Celtaidd ar draws semester 1 a 2.

Final Year Options

Llwybr AIL IAITH a IAITH GYNTAF HEB LEFEL A: Rhaid cymryd y modiwl craidd hwn.

Semester 1

Gloywi Iaith yr Ail Iaith

Semester 2

Gloywi Iaith yr Ail Iaith

Final Year Options

Llwybr AIL IAITH a IAITH GYNTAF HEB LEFEL A: Gallwch ddewis 40 credyd o fodiwlau lefel 3 awdurdodedig Adran y Gymraeg ac Astudiaethau Celtaidd ar draws semester 1 a 2.

Final Year Options

Gallwch ddewis 20 credyd o'r modiwlau canlynol.

Semester 1

Digital Business: Leadership and Management


Global Logistics

Semester 2

Organizational Psychology

12 : Support for students and their learning
Every student is allocated a Personal Tutor. Personal Tutors have an important role within the overall framework for supporting students and their personal development at the University. The role is crucial in helping students to identify where they might find support, how and where to seek advice and how to approach support to maximise their student experience. Further support for students and their learning is provided by Information Services and Student Support and Careers Services.

13 : Entry Requirements
Details of entry requirements for the scheme can be found at

14 : Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning
All taught study schemes are subject to annual monitoring and periodic review, which provide the University with assurance that schemes are meeting their aims, and also identify areas of good practice and disseminate this information in order to enhance the provision.

15 : Regulation of Assessment
Academic Regulations are published as Appendix 2 of the Academic Quality Handbook:

15.1 : External Examiners
External Examiners fulfill an essential part of the University’s Quality Assurance. Annual reports by External Examiners are considered by Faculties and Academic Board at university level.

16 : Indicators of quality and standards
The Department Quality Audit questionnaire serves as a checklist about the current requirements of the University’s Academic Quality Handbook. The periodic Department Reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of quality assurance processes and for the University to assure itself that management of quality and standards which are the responsibility of the University as a whole are being delivered successfully.