'150 years of the Welsh in Patagonia: Reflections on a Legacy',

Saturday 6 June, 9.15-4.30pm

Department of International Polititics, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University





Contact us:

Dr Lucy Taylor

Tel: 01970 622702
Email: lft@aber.ac.uk

Dr Hywel Griffiths

Tel: 01970 622674
Email: hmg@aber.ac.uk


This public event and conference will draw together leading academics from a range of interests and universities who will reflect on the legacy of the Welsh in Patagonia. They will address questions such as: how have the Welsh shaped the society and landscape of Patagonia; how did the colony contribute to Welsh identity in Wales; and, what is the significance of the Welsh colony today?

The event will be an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and impact of Y Wladfa, and on its importance in Welsh and Argentine society today. It will be geared towards a public audience who will be encouraged to ask questions and share their own thoughts on the papers presented, but also in the final discussion session. Here people will be invited to contribute their own experiences and ideas about the past, present and future of the Wladfa.

The event will also feature exhibitions by the National Library of Wales, Teithiau Tango and Planet Magazine and the Aberystwyth-Esquel Peoples in Partnership Association, among others.

The organisers gratefully acknowledge the support of Teithiau Tango, Aberystwyth-Esquel Peoples in Partnership Association and Aberystwyth University in making this event possible.