Data, Services and Software


Yeast phenotype
Data and results from the use of phenotypic data about yeast to predict functional class of yeast ORFs.
An ontology of EXperiment ACTions. We propose the EXACT ontology as the basis of a method of representing biological laboratory protocols.
Annotated clusterings produced when evaluating the use of yeast and E. coli microarray data to show guilt-by-association.
Predicting function from sequence
Predicting functional class of M. tuberculosis and E. coli ORFs from sequence using machine learning and data mining. Original data, rules and predictions.
Yeast gene function predictions
Predicting functional class of S. cerevisiae using machine learning and data mining. Rules and predictions.
Yeast data
Data used in predicting functional class of S. cerevisiae using machine learning and data mining. Sequence, phenotype, expression, homology and predicted secondary structure data.
Arabidopsis gene function predictions
Predicting functional class of A. thaliana using machine learning and data mining. Rules and predictions.
Arabidopsis data
Data used in predicting functional class of A. thaliana using machine learning and data mining. Sequence, SCOP class, InterPro, expression, homology and predicted secondary structure data.

Services / Web Servers

A framework for ontology-based access to biological data. It consists of a repository of (bio)ontologies, a set of webservices that provide access to OWL reasoning over these ontologies, and several frontends that utilize the ontology repository and reasoning services to provide access to specific biological datasets.


Primer Design software
Genome Game
An educational tool for teaching children about bioinformatics
Association mining software for relational data.
C4.5 modifications
Modifications to C4.5 to allow multiple labels and hierarchical classes
Protein music
A Java program converting DNA sequences into music. Written and maintained by Andreas Karwath
Data mining software for relational data.
The DSC protein structure prediction software