Prof William Haresign

BSc, PhD Nottingham

Prof William Haresign

Emeritus Professor

Department of Life Sciences

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Will obtained a BSc in Animal Science from the University of Nottingham in 1971. He then studied for a PhD in Animal Physiology at Nottingham, undertaking research on the induction of out-of-season breeding in sheep, before being appointed to a Lectureship in Animal Production in 1974. He was subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer in Animal Production in 1988 and to Reader in Animal Production in 1994, before transferring to the Institute of Rural Sciences (now IBERS), Aberystwyth University in 1996 as Professor of Agriculture.


Will has undertaken a considerable volume of research work on sheep reproduction, sheep breeding, the development of AI and embryo transfer in sheep. Since moving to Aberystwyth, he has established a Wales Spin-Out company, CBS Technologies (now trading as Innovis), which now provides AI, embryo transfer, scrapie genotyping, ultrasound scanning of carcass composition and general breeding advice to the UK sheep industry.


Thomas, EM, Roden, JA, Haresign, W, Richardson, RI, Lambe, NR, Clelland, N, Gardner, GE & Scollan, ND 2021, 'Meat eating and nutritional quality of lambs sired by high and low muscle density rams', Animal, vol. 15, no. 3, 100136. 10.1016/j.animal.2020.100136
Huson, KM, Haresign, W, Hegarty, M, Blackmore, T, Potter, C & McEwan, N 2015, 'Assessment of Genetic Relationship between Six Populations of Welsh Mountain Sheep using Microsatellite Markers', Czech Journal of Animal Science, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 216-223. 10.17221/8171-CJAS
Beynon, SE, Slavov, GT, Farré-Belmonte, M, Sunduimijid, B, Waddams, K, Davies, B, Haresign, W, Kijas, J, Macleod, IM, Newbold, CJ, Davies, L & Larkin, DM 2015, 'Population structure and history of the Welsh sheep breeds determined by whole genome genotyping', BMC Genetics, vol. 16, no. 1, 65. 10.1186/s12863-015-0216-x
Macfarlane, JM, Lamb, NR, Matika, O, Johnson, PL, Wolf, BT, Haresign, W, Bishop, SC & Bunger, L 2014, 'Effect of mode of action of the Texel Muscling QTL (TM-QTL) on carcass traits in purebred Texel lambs', Animal, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1053-1061. 10.1017/S1751731114001104
Foulds, SA, Brewer, PA, Macklin, MG, Haresign, W, Betson, RE & Edwards Rassner, SM 2014, 'Flood-related contamination in catchments affected by historical metal mining: an unexpected and emerging hazard of climate change', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 476-477, pp. 165-180. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.12.079
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