Parental Rights in Child Education

Dr Marco Odello (right) and Jill St-George

Dr Marco Odello (right) and Jill St-George

21 January 2010

Aberystwyth University has been selected to represent the UK in a pan-European research project on Parental Rights in Child Education (Project IPPE: Indicateurs de participation des parents dans l’enseignement obligatoire).

Dr Marco Odello (Principal Investigator) from the Department of Law & Criminology, and Jill St George have embarked on the preliminary stages of the project, which is expected to last for the next 2 years.

The project is being led by the University of Bergamo, UNESCO Chair, in Northern Italy, and includes contributions from the University La Rioja (Spain), Aberystwyth University (UK), OIDEL (Switzerland), Pro Dignitate (Portugal), European Parents Association (Belgium) and the Institute for Educational Sciences (Romania).

The main purpose of the research is to evaluate parental rights in relation to their child’s education. Specific indicators will be used to evaluate the quality of national educational systems in relation to the rights of participation of the main stakeholders.

The areas to be covered by the final report are; The right to information (including admissions, the school curriculum, evaluations); The right to chose (including different types of schools); The right of appeal (including discipline and admissions) and The right of participation (including PTAs and their organisational structure).

The individual countries’ reports will be analysed by the University of Bergamo and a comparative study will be published by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. These results will be officially presented in public events in Brussels (European Union) and in Geneva (United Nations).

It is envisaged that schools in and around Aberystwyth will be able to participate in the research, and following submission of the final report, an event will be arranged in the local area to showcase the results. The final report will be also available online once complete.