
Grey Slab

The content is displayed in a grey box with an image (can be located on the left or right of the box) and button to source of further information. 

Content Management System

White Slab

The content is displayed in a white box with an image (can be located on the left or right of the box) and button to source of further information. 

Content Management System

What's Required?

Before creating your slab(s), you should undertake the following preparation:

  • Confirm the text required for your slab(s);
  • Confirm the link(s) required for your slab(s);
  • Select the image(s) for your slab(s);
  • Edit the image(s) so that they are a suitable size (374px wide and 388px high works best);
  • Ensure that the following content templates are available in the section in which you wish to place your image menu:
    • Slab.

How To?

An information sheet for CMS users to create slabs is currently under development.