Aber Card

Your Aber Card

Your Aber Card is your Student/Staff Identification Card and a payment card that can be topped up with credit remotely or at a till point, and used to pay for food and drink in our restaurants and cafes across the campus, as well as in the Sports Centre. Your Aber Card is an important resource giving you access to a range of facilities and services which, depending on your user status, may include:

  • Access to 24 hour computer rooms
  • Access to student residences
  • Library borrowing, including the use of self-issue machines
  • Access to the library out of core hours (to enter and exit)
  • Printing, photocopying and scanning
  • Access to the AU Students' Union
  • Sports Centre facilities
  • The purchase of food in the University’s hospitality services outlets
  • Registering your attendance at lectures


  • An Aber Card is issued only for the use of the person named on it. It must not be lent to, or transferred to, or used by any other person. An Aber Card is only valid if the user is a current member of staff of the University or a current registered student (not temporarily withdrawn or excluded), or is held by others who have appropriate current privileges as members of the University.
  • If your Aber Card has been lost or stolen then it is your responsibility to report your card as lost or stolen to Information Services is@aber.ac.uk / 01970 622400 immediately. This will ensure that your lost or stolen card can be blocked and prevent unauthorised use.
  • A lost or stolen Aber Card can be replaced at the Hugh Owen Library
  • If you are in catered residences, your Aber Card will be credited before you arrive
  • Always show your Aber Card to receive discounts at the University's hospitality outlets
  • Your Aber Card can be topped up at University till points
  • In using your Aber Card for printing/photocopying/scanning you must ensure that you comply with the University's Copyright Agreement
  • Students are unable to purchase alcohol or tobacco using credit on their Aber Card

 The Aber Card:

  • displays the cardholder’s name, user category, student / staff number and photograph;
  • contains a barcode and barcode number for use with Library systems;
  • displays a QR code linked to a dynamic webpage which shows whether the cardholder has a valid staff/student account;
  • contains proximity identification data based on the cardholder’s staff/student record which is used to reference the cardholder's staff/student record on various University systems to enable appropriate building access control.


  • All current Aberystwyth University students and staff members are entitled to an Aber Card.
  • To ensure that your Aber Card is ready for you when you arrive on campus you will need to apply for it at least a week in advance.
  • You can apply for your Aber Card by uploading a digital photo at: https://myaccount.aber.ac.uk/protected/newabercard/

Data Protection

In taking receipt of your Aber Card you are accepting the terms and conditions for use of the card, and for the processing of your personal data in relation to your use of the card.

1. The Aber Card:

  • displays the cardholder’s name, user category, student / staff number and photograph;
  • contains a barcode and barcode number for use with Library systems;
  • displays a QR code linked to a dynamic webpage which shows whether the cardholder has a valid staff/student account;
  • contains proximity identification data based on the cardholder’s staff/student record which is used to reference the cardholder's staff/student record on various University systems to enable appropriate building access control.

2. Use of the Aber Card directly generates logging data in relation to each particular use of the card:

2.1. Student attendance data (swiping the Aber Card at attendance points in lecture rooms) is recorded and added to your academic record and used for attendance monitoring and learning analytics purposes and is retained for 6 years after you leave the University;

2.2. Staff use of the Aber Card as a time and attendance system will be recorded and retained in line with procedures for dealing with other Human Resources' staff records;

2.3 Use of the Aber Card to access buildings/rooms using the SALTO access system will generate access data which will only be used as required in relation to statistical inquiry, security, health and safety procedures, breaches of regulations or police investigations.  This data is retained for 2 years.

2.4. Use of the Aber Card to purchase food or other items on campus creates a purchase record which, in line with other financial records, is retained for 7 years.  These are also used for anonymised statistical analysis but not for targeted marketing purposes.

If you have any queries relating to this use of your data, please contact the Data Protection Manager at infocompliance@aber.ac.uk

For further information regarding the University’s management of data protection, see: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/infocompliance/dp/

Topping up

You can top up your Aber Card online, or in person by credit/debit card at any till point across campus including:

  • Penbryn (The Food Hall),
  • Blas Padarn,
  • CAFFIbach
  • Blas Gogerddan
  • University libraries (Hugh Owen)
  • Arts Centre cafes and bars
  • Students' Union (cash top ups accepted at SU reception)
  • Sports Centre

Any balance remaining on an Aber Card needs to be spent by 30 September after student’s end date or by the end of a staff member's contract. Any remaining balance not used on an Aber Card by this end date will be given to the Student Hardship Fund/Aber Fund.

Anyone can put credit onto your Aber Card at a physical till; all they will need is your full name and student or Aber card number. Don’t worry if you do not have the details to hand as we can still look you up to make sure we credit the correct account.


If your Aber Card is lost, stolen or not working, you must inform Information Services (is@aber.ac.uk / 01970 622400) as soon as possible. A lost Aber Card will be blocked until it is found or a replacement is issued so that no one else can use your card.

In case of loss or damage, we can issue a student with a temporary Hospitality card for your account that can be used to purchase food and drink at any of our outlets. For this you will need to pop into Tamed Da and speak to a duty manager who will able to arrange this for you. Alternatively you can email hospitality@aber.ac.uk or phone the duty managers on 07772-111 781.

To get a replacement Aber Card

  • Please contact is@aber.ac.uk
  • Replacement Aber Cards are normally available within 24 - 48 hours of payment.
  • Aber Card replacement costs are as follows:
    • Lost card: £8.00
    • Broken / Damaged Card: free
    • Stolen Card (where police crime report number is given): free
  • Charges are made for replacement Aber Cards to cover the cost of the materials and processes involved in making the new Aber Card.

Replacement Aber Card with new photo

If you require your photo on your Aber card to be changed, there may be a charge up to £8 depending on individual circumstances. Please email is@aber.ac.uk.


The proximity functionality in your Aber Card (swipe function to open a SALTO door lock for example) requires you to revalidate by swiping your Aber Card against an update point at least every 30 days. Most external door swipes on Aberystwyth University buildings are update points or you can visit the Hugh Owen Library to have your Aber Card revalidated. Every time you swipe your Aber Card against an update point, your Aber Card will be revalidated for another 30 days. If you do not revalidate within 30 days, your Aber Card’s proximity functionality will stop working but will work again as soon as you swipe your Aber card against an update point.

To use your card for building access simply hold the card 3-5 cm away from the middle of the reader. If the door is locked then the LED status will be a constant red. If you then present an Aber Card with valid access then the LED on the reader will turn green for a short time and the lock on the door will be released. If the LED on the reader flashes red then you are not authorised for entry. The majority of external academic doors will be set to automatically unlock within working hours for your convenience.

Aber Gift Card


Aberystwyth University operates a pre paid debit and discount scheme (‘the scheme”) using the Aber Gift Card (“the Card”) for the exchange of goods and services at outlets owned or managed by Aberystwyth University. The terms upon which the ‘Aber Gift Card’ scheme is operated are set out below. 

How can I buy an Aber Gift Card?

  • An Aber Gift Card can be purchased from any outlet on Campus. This includes, but is not exclusive to, Aberystwyth Arts Centre Book Shop and Craft Shop, TaMed Da, TaMed bach , IBERbach, SGUBORfach, Sports Centre, Hugh Owen Library and Thomas Parry Library.
  • Aber Gift Cards can be topped up online as well as at any of our outlets.
  • Neither the sums of money credited to the Aber Gift Card nor any balance accrued on the Aber Gift Card will attract any interest.

Where the Aber Gift Card can be used?

  • The Aber Gift Card can be used at all outlets in the Arts Centre, Sports Centre, Gift and Book shop, all hospitality outlets including Brynamlwg and the Hugh Owen Library.
  • All purchases made to franchises and other outlets on any Aberystwyth university campus’ are excluded from the scheme.

How is the Aber Gift Card used?

  • The Aber Gift Card must be presented at the time of purchase, where the value of the transaction will be debited from the card. A receipt will be issued with all purchases which will detail any remaining balance on the card.

What if I lose the Aber Gift Card?

  • When you buy your gift card, we ask you to please keep the receipt safe. As this is used as the proof of ownership of the card.
  • A replacement Aber Gift Card can be purchased for £1.00, which your remaining balance can be loaded onto.
  • Please note that the Aber Gift Card balance is only transferable with a receipt of the original card purchase.
  • Aberystwyth University does not accept any liability for any fraudulent use of lost or stolen Aber Gift Cards, and will only credit a balance to a replacement card at the time and date that a card is reported as lost or stolen to the Hospitality services department at Aberystwyth University.

Sundry Terms and Conditions

  • The card balance is valid a period of 12 months from the card being last used. If a card is dormant for a period of longer than 12 months, then the balance will be cleared from the card.
  • Any refund requested from an Aber Gift Card, will be subject to a £5.00 administration charge. 
  • The card is deemed to be the property of Aberystwyth University at all times, and is not transferable from the participant from whom it is issued. Aberystwyth University Reserve the right to request the return of the card and should they do so, will pay any outstanding balance to the participant on receipt.
  • Aberystwyth University does not accept any liability for the loss or damage to any of the Aber Gift Cards.
  • Aberystwyth University reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of the Aber Gift Card without giving any prior notice to the card holder.
  • The Aber Gift Card scheme is a payment method for goods and services that are provided by Aberystwyth University. This does not alter nor supersede the consumers’ rights as laid out under UK Law.
  • Aberystwyth University do not accept any liability for any product or service purchased via the scheme, except that by standard UK law.

Aber Card data protection

In taking receipt of your Aber Card you are accepting the terms and conditions for use of the card, and for the processing of your personal data in relation to your use of the card. The processing of the data on your card and data generated by use of your card is covered by the University’s contractual obligation to provide students and staff with a secure environment and also by its legitimate interests in using this data for the overall benefits of the institution and for users themselves.

1. The Aber Card:

  • displays the cardholder’s name, user category, student / staff number and photograph;
  • contains a barcode and barcode number for use with Library systems;
  • displays a QR code linked to a dynamic webpage which shows whether the cardholder has a valid staff/student account;
  • contains proximity identification data based on the cardholder’s staff/student record which is used to reference the cardholder's staff/student record on various University systems to enable appropriate building access control.
  • has a unique rom code which is associated with the cardholder’s account that will be used to provide authentication for services such as printing.

2. Use of the Aber Card directly generates logging data in relation to each particular use of the card:

3. Student attendance data (swiping the Aber Card at attendance points in lecture rooms) is recorded and added to your academic record and used for attendance monitoring and learning analytics purposes and is retained for 6 years after you leave the University

4. Staff use of the Aber Card as a time and attendance system will be kept for 6 years.

5. Use of the Aber Card to access buildings/rooms using the SALTO access system will generate access data which will only be used as required in relation to statistical inquiry, security, health and safety procedures, breaches of regulations or police investigations.  This data is retained for 2 years.

6. Use of the Aber Card to purchase food or other items on campus creates a purchase record which, in line with other financial records, is retained for 7 years.  These are also used for anonymized statistical analysis but not for targeted marketing purposes.

If you have any queries relating to this use of your data, please contact the Data Protection Manager at infocompliance@aber.ac.uk

For further information regarding the University’s management of data protection, see: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/infocompliance/dp/