Prospective Partners

Aberystwyth University is committed to building strong relationships with partners, within the UK and abroad, who share its vision and ethos for delivering high quality, research-led teaching and an exceptional student experience.

Why Partnerships?

Where successful, collaborative provision offers a wide range of benefits, which support the University in achieving its core strategic aims as outlined in the Strategic Plan 2018-2023, including:

Education and student experienceTo empower students to unlock their own potential and to develop as independent learners.

Research and Innovation with impactTo support and develop researchers to undertake research with impact of world leading quality

Contribution to societyTo make a significant contribution to Wales and beyond, benefitting our communities and society as a whole. To understand our responsibility and accountability to society. To be accessible, relevant and engaged with our communities and stakeholders.

International engagementTo be a desirable partner for international institutions who share our aims and aspirations. To instil our graduates with an academic training and the values of a global and national citizenship.

Welsh language and cultureTo improve and enhance Welsh-medium opportunities for our staff, students and visitors. To promote the language and culture of our country, and contribute towards a greater understanding of the socio-economic needs of Wales.

Types of Partnerships

At Aberystwyth University we support a number of collaborative partnership activities which include: franchise, joint/dual/multiple degree awards, accreditation, validation and articulation agreements.

The Academic Partnerships Office can advise on the following types of partnerships:

Where an Aberystwyth University programme is delivered either wholly or in part by another institution leading to an Aberystwyth University award.

Where Aberystwyth University accredit a programme developed by another institution as equivalent to an Aberystwyth University award or leading to the award of a specific number of credits. Upon approval, Aberystwyth University judges that a programme developed and delivered by another institution without degree awarding powers is of an appropriate quality and standard to lead to an Aberystwyth University award.

An arrangement where students who satisfy a previously approved ‘mapped’ academic criteria can transfer-in to Aberystwyth University from another (usually International) institution where there is formal recognition of their previous learning. Students are then admitted with advanced standing to a subsequent part or year of an Aberystwyth University programme leading to an Aberystwyth University award.

Joint award / Dual Degree
The granting of separate awards (and certificates) for the same programme by two degree-awarding bodies who have jointly delivered the programme of study leading to them.
Upon approval, Aberystwyth University along with another degree-awarding body/bodies, together provide a programme leading to a single award made jointly by both, or all, participants. 
The Academic Partnerships Office can advise, in part, on the following types of partnerships and will usually refer potential partners to RB&I and Graduate School Offices.

Joint PHD
An arrangement under which two or more degree-awarding bodies together provide a programme leading to a single research award made jointly by both, or all, participants.

Split-site PhD
All split-site PhDs require a formal agreement between the University and the partner organisation(s). The split-site PhD is used to increase collaborative research and develop international partnerships. Split-site PhDs are regarded as collaborative provision and are subject to the University’s collaborative provision policy.



Here to Help

Aberystwyth University, through the following offices, is committed to building strong relationships with partners, within the UK and abroad, who share its vision and ethos for delivering high Quality research-led teaching and an exceptional student experience.

  • Academic Partnerships Office (APO) within the Academic Registry

For higher risk, interdepartmental, multi-agency projects such as Franchise, Validation and Dual/Joint degree agreements;

and for medium risk Recruitment and Student Mobility Partnerships such as Articulation arrangements;


  • Global Opportunities (GO)

For lower risk Student Mobility Partnerships (such as  Exchange, Study Abroad and Erasmus programmes);


  • International Recruitment & Development (IRD)

For lower risk Recruitment Partnerships (through both standard and advanced entry, such as progression agreements);



  • International English Centre (IEC)


For quality English Language courses directed at learners in preparation for university study, English Language Teacher training and support during studies;


  • Graduate School


For Collaborative Research projects


  • Research Business and Innovation (RB&I)


For Collaborative Research projects and agreements and Research Grant development. The Department is also the gateway for industry and other external organisations to discover more about the wealth of knowledge exchange opportunities at AU.
