Partnering With Us
Aberystwyth University, through the following offices, is committed to building strong relationships with partners, within the UK and abroad, who share its vision and ethos for delivering high quality research-led teaching and an exceptional student experience.
For higher risk, interdepartmental, multi-agency projects such as Franchise, Validation and Dual/Joint degree agreements; and for medium risk Recruitment and Student Mobility Partnerships such as Articulation arrangements; Contact: |
For lower risk Student Mobility Partnerships (such as Exchange, Study Abroad and Erasmus programmes); Contact: |
For lower risk Recruitment Partnerships (through both standard and advanced entry, such as progression agreements);
Contact: |
For quality English Language courses directed at learners in preparation for university study, English Language Teacher training and support during studies; Contact: |
For Collaborative Research projects Contact: |
For Collaborative Research projects and agreements and Research Grant development. The Department is also the gateway for industry and other external organisations to discover more about the wealth of knowledge exchange opportunities at AU. Contact: |