Dr Elizabeth Hart


Dr Elizabeth Hart

Lecturer in Equine and Animal Science

Department of Life Sciences

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Hart, EH, Christofides, SR, Davies, TE, Stevens, PR, Creevey, CJ, Müller, CT, Rogers, HJ & Kingston‑Smith, AH 2022, 'Author Correction: Forage grass growth under future climate change scenarios affects fermentation and ruminant efficiency', Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 18329. 10.1038/s41598-022-21958-y
Hart, EH, Christofides, SR, Davies, TE, Rees Stevens, P, Creevey, CJ, Müller, CT, Rogers, HJ & Kingston-smith, AH 2022, 'Forage grass growth under future climate change scenarios affects fermentation and ruminant efficiency', Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 4454. 10.1038/s41598-022-08309-7
Kingston-Smith, A, Christofides, SR, Hart, E, Rogers, HJ & Müller, CT 2021, 'The VOC signature of ryegrass subjected to environmental and rumen stress', 13th British Grassland Society Research Conference, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 02 Mar 2021 - 04 Mar 2021. <https://www.britishgrassland.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Poster-7-Christofides.pdf>
Huws, SA, Creevey, C, Oyama, LB, Mizrahi, I, Denman, SE, Popova, M, Munoz-tamayo, R, Forano, E, Waters, SM, Hess, M, Tapio, I, Smidt, H, Krizsan, S, Yáñez-Ruiz, DR, Belanche, A, Guan, LL, Gruninger, RJ, McAllister, T, Newbold, J, Roehe, R, Dewhurst, RJ, Snelling, TJ, Watson, M, Suen, G, Hart, E, Kingston-Smith, A, Scollan, N, Do Prado, RM, Pilau, E, Mantovani, HC, Attwood, GT, Edwards, JE, McEwan, N, Morrison, S, Mayorga, O, Elliott, C & Morgavi, DP 2018, 'Addressing global ruminant agricultural challenges through understanding the rumen microbiome: Past, present and future', Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 9, no. SEP, 2161. 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02161
Hart, E, Creevey, CJ, Hitch, T & Kingston-Smith, A 2018, 'Meta-proteomics of rumen microbiota indicates niche compartmentalisation and functional dominance in a limited number of metabolic pathways between abundant bacteria', Scientific Reports, vol. 8, 10504. 10.1038/s41598-018-28827-7
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