Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Practical | 11 x 6 Hour Practicals |
Lecture | 11 x 1 Hour Lectures |
Tutorial | 11 x 3 Hour Tutorials |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | Portfolio Submission including: Sketchbook of research material | 25% |
Semester Assessment | Suite of four related prints (learning outcome d) | 25% |
Semester Assessment | Portfolio of Prints | 50% |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
a) Produce a portfolio of prints that clearly demonstrates proficiency in intaglio relief printing and / or in lithography and / or in processes of relief printing and / or in screenprinting - as appropriate to personal research
b) Produce a body of work that clearly demonstrates a thematic approach to research that gives expression to personal concerns and ideas
c) Produce a body of work that demonstrates an experimental approach to printmaking and provides evidence of a line of enquiry and research
d) Produce a small suite of no more than four related prints involving any of the print processes experienced or in combination as mixed media
e) Produce a sketchbook containing drawings, written and visual material demonstrating ability in visual research and development of images appropriate for printmaking
f) Exploit techniques of intaglio and lithography with sensitivity to process and content
g) Contextualize their art practice in relation to historical and contemporary traditions of printmaking
h) Exercise efficient use of studio facilities and time with regard to health and safety issues
Brief description
In addition to the processes of relief printing and screenprinting, students will also have the opportunity to adopt one or more of the following : intaglio techniques including the use of drypoint, engraving, hard and soft ground, aquatint, mezzotint and photo etching. The module also provide instruction on methods of printing in black and white and in colour using multiple plates, monotype, chine colle and using other mixed media approaches;
techniques of stone lithography, plate lithography, photoplate lithography and waterless lithography, drawing using crayon and tusche, etching and printing in black and white and in colour. There will also be opportunity to develop photographic and digital techniques for photo plate lithography
As well as developing technical proficiency in printmaking, this module places strong emphasis upon the development of a 'personal statement' and requires the student to maintain a sketchbook of relevant research material and to produce a portfolio of work related to an identifiable theme or line of enquiry over a sustained period of time. As such the module provides opportunities for testing both technical and conceptual aspects of working in preparation for work that may lead to Exhibition in the final year.For Module AR22630 students are also expected to produce a suite of no more than four related prints involving any of the print processes experienced or in combination as mixed media.
The purpose of this module is to promote and develop the student's technical competence and understanding of printmaking by encouraging experimental and independent approaches to print media based upon the continued development of self-directed study initiated during the first semester. The module also provides opportunities for broadening the student's experience of printmaking by offering instruction in techniques of intaglio and lithography.
- Innovation and Development in Printmaking: Research Formats and Methods including examples of thematic research, technical research, historical research, visual research and research techniques employed in developing personal statements or lines of enquiry in printmaking
- Group Seminar: Brainstorming for Personal Statement
- Prints from the University Collection and UWA Student Archive
- Prints from a Tamarind Portfolio
- Innovation and Development in Printmaking: Mixed Media Prints
- Mid Term Review and Critique of Student Work
- Portfolio Submission, curating prints and Examination Guidelines
- Introduction to Intaglio Printmaking: Historical Overview of Technical Developments 1500-2000
- Revision of the use of Hard and Soft Ground in Etching
- Etching plates using Ferric Chloride - step etching
- Papers, Paper Preparation and Printing in Black and White
- Techniques of Aquatint: Tone, Texture, Colour, Maniere Noir (Mezzotint) and Spit Biting
- Colour Printing I: Inking a la poupee and use of Chine Colle*
- Colour Printing II: Relief Printing, Multiple Plate Printing and Jigsaw / Free form Plates
- Introduction to Photo Etching.
- Introduction to Lithography: Historical Perspective of Technical Developments in lithography 1798-Present
- Stone Lithography I: Graining Stones
- Stone Lithography II: Drawing on Stone
- Stone Lithography III: Etching Drawings on Stone
- Stone Lithography IV: Printing in Black and White
- Stone Lithography V: Monotype techniques and use of Chine Colle
- Stone Lithography VI: Specialist techniques of Lo-Shu Wash and Maniere Noire
- Stone Lithography VII: Specialist techniques of transfer
- Introduction to Aluminium Plate Lithography and printing in colour
- Introduction to using Positive and Negative Photoplates
- Introduction to Waterless Lithography Relief Printing
- Introduction to Wood Engraving and engraving on alternative surfaces: block preparation, planning, tools and cutting and printing
- Large format woodcut: materials and techniques
- Mixed Media Printmaking: Combining techniques and use of found objects and materials
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Communication | development and encouragement of communication skills occurs during workshop-based activity and during tutorials and group seminars |
Improving own Learning and Performance | development of a self-critical approach to creative working and professional conduct in the production of a portfolio of prints |
Information Technology | development of graphic IT skills through use of digital imaging programmes such as Adobe Photoshop |
Problem solving | development of practical printmaking skills and problem solving in intaglio and in lithography |
Research skills | development of a programme of research and self directed work that provides evidence of experimental approach to printmaking and gives expression to the development of a personal statement |
Subject Specific Skills | development of specific skills of relief printing, stone and plate lithography, editioning and presentation development of studio practice, self-management and time management for completion of self-directed project work; development of awareness of related health and safety issues |
Team work | development and encouragement of team work and student interaction occurs during workshop-based activity and during tutorials and group seminars |
This module is at CQFW Level 5