Module Information
Module Identifier
Module Title
Work Experience in Geographical Information Systems/Remote Sensing
Academic Year
Semester 2
Course Delivery
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | Empolyers work experience report | 10% |
Semester Assessment | Presentation | 20% |
Semester Assessment | Report on work experience project | 70% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resubmission of failed assignment | 100% |
Learning Outcomes
- Sustain a work placement for a required period of time
- Work to a set schedule within the business, academic, charity or government environment and complete tasks in a timely, effective and efficient manner
- Work independently but also within a team environment
- Complete Remote Sensing and Spatial Data Processing related tasks to an agreed standard
- Apply the knowledge and experience gained in Remote Sensing and GIS modules to real work situations and for applications development and research
- Assess and reflect on the value and relevance of the work experience gained through a post placement presentation
- Assess the contribution of the placement experience to their career development.
- Communicate the outcomes of the project through written reporting and oral presentation.
Brief description
Students will be allocated to work (unpaid) in a relevant discipline for a total period of 20 days. In each case, the student will work on specific projects discussed in advance between the academic, work placement partner and the student.
For those registered on the MSc 's in Remote Sensing with Computer Science and Remote Sensing with Living Environment work experience placements that are relevant for those courses will be sought, given the students on those courses practical experience of the field.
For those registered on the MSc 's in Remote Sensing with Computer Science and Remote Sensing with Living Environment work experience placements that are relevant for those courses will be sought, given the students on those courses practical experience of the field.
A 20 day work placement on a project that will use remote sensing or spatial analysis techniques of direct commercial interest or of benefit to pure or applications research and development. For each placement, students will be given a specified and mutually agreed project, which they will undertake through individual research and teamwork within the organisation supporting the placement. Each project will have a commercial and/or research emphasis. Students will provide a portfolio of their work and present a 15 minute (including questions) seminar at the end of the project. The employer will provide a report on the performance of the student.
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | Quantitative analysis of data for certain tasks |
Communication | Discussions with work colleagues, team work and presentation of project outcomes. |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Literature review and discussions with partner organisation. |
Information Technology | Use of commerical, open source and in house software specific skills in statistical analysis and programming are likely to be developed. |
Personal Development and Career planning | Awareness of requirements of business, government and industry |
Problem solving | Students may be set specific tasks to solve particular problems (e.g., writing new program routines). |
Research skills | Reviewing relevant literature and undertaking research to support project objectives. |
Subject Specific Skills | Work placement will be relevant to the masters schemes being developed (e.g., physics/maths, computer science, biology and geography). Students following the work placement in Remote Sensing and GIS will be encouraged to work in companies with a greater focus on GIS. |
Team work | Involvement with other staff members employed within placement organisation |
This module is at CQFW Level 7