Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Seminar | 10 x 2 Hour Seminars |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | Assignment 1 A short story (1500 words 60%) together with a critical commentary (1000 words, 40%) and annotated bibliography. | 50% |
Semester Assessment | A short story (2500 wrods, 100%) and annotated bibliography | 50% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resubmit missed or failed first assignment Resubmit any failed or missed elements | 50% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resubmit missed or failed second assignment | 50% |
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, students should typically be able to:
1. demonstrate knowledge of different kinds of prose narrative;
2. demonstrate an ability to write in a range of forms and genres of prose narrative;
3. demonstrate a developing critical and self-reflexive awareness of their own writing practice;
4. demonstrate an ability to express themselves clearly in writing and in speech.
1. to help students to develop their range and capabilities as writers;
2. to help students to work with confidence in a variety of prose forms and genres;
3. to help students develop their ability to reflect critically on their own writing practice.
Brief description
This module introduces the students to the basic structures of short prose narratives and the methods and techniques necessary for their construction. After the first week, workshops will be a principal feature of each seminar. Students will submit in advance work on a set theme or using a prescribed technique for discussion by the rest of the group. These workshops will be supplemented by discussion of texts and practical exercises. Themes and texts will be chosen to illustrate the topic of that week'r seminar.This module introduces students to the basic structures of short prose narratives and the methods and techniques necessary for their construction.
Stories structured round the idea of a mystery, from the traditional detective story to less conventional attempts to find solutions to intellectual and emotional problems.
1. What is a Story? A discussion of a brief example story challenging students to rethink their definitions of the genre. Exercises in telling and writing very short stories.
2. Scene and Summary: Students will be asked to think about the structure of stories and how they decide which parts of the narrative to show and which to tell.
3. Character and Dialogue: Students will be asked to think about the way they develop character in their stories, and project this through dialogue, with particular emphasis on the uses and abuses of stereotypes.
4. The Epiphany Story: Stories based on the notion of epiphany, (meaning a character's emotional or spiritual coming of age).
5. The Relationship Story: Stories dealing with the start, end and continuing problems of relationships.
6. The Quest Story: Stories structured around the idea of a quest, in which a character tries to obtain some objective in the face of obstacles and ordeals.
7. Problems and Mysteries: Stories structured round the idea of a mystery, from the traditional detective story to less conventional attempts to find solutions to intellectual and emotional problems.
8. Imagined Worlds: Stories which build a world, whether through pure fantasy or by subtly changing the conditions of reality.
9. Writing about Writing: Stories which explore their own textuality.
10. Redrafting and Revision: Students will work on a draft of one of their short stories with a view to improving it. There will be discussion of the different stages of planning, writing and revision.
Students will work on a draft of one of their short stories with a view to improving it. There will be discussion of the different stages of planning, writing and revision.
This module is at CQFW Level 6