Module Information

Module Identifier
Module Title
Environmental Geochemistry
Academic Year
Semester 1
Other Staff

Course Delivery

Delivery Type Delivery length / details
Lecture 21 x 2 Hour Lectures


Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Essay: 2,500 words  25%
Semester Exam 3 Hours   75%
Supplementary Assessment Re-submission: failed elements  25%
Supplementary Exam 3 Hours   Re-sit  75%

Learning Outcomes

On sucessful completion of this module, students should be able to demonstrate :-

  • knowledge of geochemical mapping and monitoring and their applicability to environmental problems
  • general basic knowledge of element behaviour in the secondary environment and an understanding of some of the problems caused by anthropogenic activities
  • general ability to estimate the role of human intervention in the environment
  • knowledge of the role of environmental geochemistry on human and animal health


To introduce the concept of geochemistry of the total environment and outline some of the problems posed to the biosphere.


Geochemical Maps
  • Media used for geochemical mapping
  • Establishment of baselines
  • Use of geochemical maps (UK and other countries) to identify geochemical 'hotspots'
Geochemistry of Primary Environment
  • Crustal chemistry
  • Weathering processes and element behaviour
Anthropogenic influences on geochemistry
  • Urban Geochemistry
  • Influence of agriculture and industry
  • Past and present mining and extractive industries
Environmental Geochemistry and Health
  • Trace elements essential and detrimental to human and animal health
  • Pathways of elements into biosphere
  • Chemical quality of potable waters
Radioactivity in the environment
  • Radon, sources and problems
  • Anthropogenically derived radioactivity, sources and problems
Stable isotope geochemistry
  • Uses of stable isotopes in environmental geochemistry


This module is at CQFW Level 6