Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Practical | 13 x 2 Hour Practicals |
Field Trip | 1 x 3 Hour Field Trip |
Lecture | 33 x 1 Hour Lectures |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | Mid-module test. Multiple choice, short answer paper. | 25% |
Semester Assessment | Soils practical book. | 25% |
Semester Exam | 1.5 Hours Short answer question paper. | 50% |
Supplementary Assessment | Students must take elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to failure of the module. | 50% |
Supplementary Exam | 1.5 Hours Students must take elements of assessment equivalent to those that led to failure of the module. | 50% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Describe the structure and function of plant organs.
2. Describe plant growth processes.
3. Describe the basic soil components and how they vary.
4. Explain how soil components interact in determining soil characteristics and plant responses.
5. Identify potential limitations to crop growth and discuss how these might be overcome.
6. Demonstrate a range of soil/microbe and plant/microbe interactions and explain their effects on crop production.
7. Explain the principles of modern plant breeding strategies.
Brief description
The module describes the scientific principles governing plant/crop growth processes in the field. This includes the structure of crop plants, physiological processes, reproductive strategies and interactions with both the soil environment and the atmosphere. In addition, the module identifies soil properties - physical, chemical and biological and relates these to practical soil management. The mechanisms responsible for soil acting as the source of mineral nutrients and water for crop growth are discussed. In all aspects, relevant interactions with microorganisms are considered.
Soil types, soil texture and particle size distribution
Soil nutrient cycles, assessment of nutrient availability, principles of fertilizer management, nutrient losses and their environmental impact.
Water availability and movement within the soil/crop system
pH and the use of liming materials
Structure of plant organs and relationship with function
Photosynthesis and plant growth processes
Role of mineral nutrients
Reproductive strategies and crop productivity
Principles of plant breeding
Plant/microbe interactions
Lecture material will be supported and demonstrated through a series of practical classes which will include: soil texture, particle size distribution, soil pH, mineral nutrient deficiencies
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | Practical classes will require the collection and manipulation of numerical data. |
Communication | Listen effectively in lectures and on field visits. Write for different purposes and audiences – through the write-up of practicals and for examination. |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Outside formal contact hours students will be expected to research materials, manage time and meet deadlines. The directed study elements will provide an opportunity for students to explore their own learning styles and preferences and identify their needs and barriers to learning. Students will be able to review and monitor their progress and plan for improvement of personal performance. |
Information Technology | |
Personal Development and Career planning | |
Problem solving | |
Research skills | Practical classes will allow for the development of laboratory and field based research skills. |
Subject Specific Skills | |
Team work |
This module is at CQFW Level 4