Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Tutorial | 10 x 4 Hour Tutorials |
Seminar | 20 x 2 Hour Seminars |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Conduct research into one case study via library, internet, gallery archives, gallery visits, studio visits etc.
2. Reflect on, evaluate, constructively critique and so understand one case study in relation to their own practice (projects 1 & 2).
3. Systematically develop and present the case study via a presentation alongside the project 1 and notebook and 1 essay utilizing a range of presentation methods e.g. images, media clips, artifacts, and academic sources).
4. Identify, pursue and document a viable creative enquiry through research, experimentation, and evaluation towards developing and concluding projects 1 & 2
5. Articulate the research process and creative development via a range of means (from traditional written work, to oral presentations, and installation/realisation)
6. Work towards a deadline and public event.
7. Complete 4 x project proposals and risk assessments for a public Arts Centre event
Brief description
In Semester two, lectures, seminars, group tutorials and workshops will further develop the students awareness of Interdisciplinary practices and theories towards the development of their practice based project (2) which will be an ‘Intervention’ site-responsive or site-specific temporary project that will be curated and installed within and around the Abersytwyth Arts Centre, offering an exciting opportunity for the students to directly engage with a public platform.
Semester 1
Week 1 Introduction to the module, case study and project 1
Week 2 Lecture and seminar: Case Study
Week 3 Group tutorial: project 1 in progress
Week 4 Group tutorial: Case study in progress
Week 5 Workshop
Week 6 Reading Week
Week 7 Lecture and seminar: Case Study
Week 8 Group tutorial: project 1 in progress
Week 9 Group tutorial: Case study presentation in progress
Week 10 Workshop
Week 11 Assignment 1: Presentation: case study in progress (*different from online database)
Semester 2
Week 1 Introduction to Project 2 and THE TAKEOVER, feedback on Project 1 and case study in progress
Week 2 Lecture and seminar
Week 3 Group tutorial: Project 2 in progress
Week 4 Introduction to the Arts Centre
Week 5 Workshop
Week 6 Reading Week
Week 7 Lecture and seminar: Interdisciplinary Practices
Week 8 Group tutorial: Project 2 in progress
Week 9 Group tutorial: Case study presentation in progress
Week 10 Workshop: practical
Week 11 Group tutorial: project 2 in progress
Week 12 Exhibition: Arts Centre THE TAKEOVER Project 2
This module is at CQFW Level 5