Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Lecture | 20 x 1 Hour Lectures |
Seminar | 5 x 1 Hour Seminars |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Exam | 3 Hours Unseen written examination | 80% |
Semester Assessment | 1,500 word essay | 20% |
Supplementary Exam | 3 Hours Unseen written examination Repeat failed element | 80% |
Supplementary Assessment | 1,500 word essay Repeat failed element | 20% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
* Describe, illustrate and discuss the determination of wage levels and employment levels through the interaction of supply and demand for labour;
* Critically analyse and evaluate the empirical evidence relating to the relationship between human capital characteristics and income;
* Understand and be able to demonstrate the purpose, design and implementation of investment on human capital, with particular regard to the UK;
* Discuss and demonstrate an understanding of the form, implications and limitations of interventions in the labour market;
* Explain the causes and reasons for wage inequalities between workers and examine empirical evidence on wage discrimination;
* Evaluate how "impositions" such as minimum wage laws or "imperfections" such as sex and race discrimination or segmentation of workers affect outcomes;
* Identify and critically assess the impact of international trade and competition on labour demand and welfare.
Brief description
The module aims to present the economic study of the labour market and issues in the economics of human resources in a policy oriented context. It examines labour demand and supply, investment in human capital, frictions in the labour market, and discrimination.
- The basis of labour supply and its applications
- Long-run influences on labour supply, especially that of education and training
- The basis of labour demand and its applications
- The matching of workers to jobs in the labour market
- Wage determination: incomplete pay adjustment and pay rules such as minimum wages
- Wage inequalities between workers and the importance of compensating differentials
- Investments in Human Capital: Education and Training
- Pay and hiring discrimination
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | Treatment of numerical problems in tutorial exercises, and appropriate examination question. |
Communication | During tutorial class discussion and production and presentation of group assignments. |
Improving own Learning and Performance | In preparation for, attending and participating in and reflecting on tutorial classes. Preparing and producing essay and eventual assessment in examination. |
Information Technology | Appropriate accessing of the internet for reference material, and use of word-processing skills in essay production. |
Personal Development and Career planning | Development of various personal and interpersonal skills, generally transferable in career terms, including initiative, independence and self-awareness - in addition to skills listed above. |
Problem solving | Treated in lectures and applied in tutorials. |
Research skills | Obtaining, selecting, assimilating information from a variety of sources for use in tutorials, essay preparation and production and expanding on lecture material. |
Subject Specific Skills | Government policy making issues and impact treated in lectures and tutorials. |
Team work | Group oriented tutorial tasks. |
This module is at CQFW Level 6