Module Information
Course Delivery
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | Assignment 1 (3,000 words equivalent) Lesson Development & Reflection Portfolio: Lesson Planning and Evaluation (based on a succession of lessons) | 40% |
Semester Assessment | Assignment 2 (3,000 words equivalent) Lesson Development & Reflection Portfolio: Case Study – key learner skill development and acquisition to include oral defence to peers, tutor & mentor | 60% |
Supplementary Assessment | All failed elements of the assessments must be re-taken if the student’s average mark falls below the required pass mark of 50%. This will require new questions, new lesson plan and teaching session. | |
Supplementary Assessment | Assignment 1 (3,000 words equivalent) Lesson Development & Reflection Portfolio: Lesson Planning and Evaluation (based on a succession of lessons) | 40% |
Supplementary Assessment | Assignment 2 (3,000 words equivalent) Lesson Development & Reflection Portfolio: Case Study – key learner skill development and acquisition to include oral defence to peers, tutor & mentor | 60% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the technical concepts and procedures involved in the design of assessments in educational contexts;
2. Critically review and discuss the main issues to be considered in designing appropriate assessment arrangements;
3. Critically evaluate a lesson by drawing on learners’ performance data and justify how learner targets are set;
4. Demonstrate a critical understanding of lesson evaluation by peer-assessing the lesson evaluation of another peer;
5. Critically evaluate the development of a key learner skill and its acquisition by learners;
6. Critically present an oral defence of a key learner skill development and acquisition;
7. Critically reflect on the effectiveness of a scheme of lessons.
Brief description
This core module has been designed to meet the Welsh Government Circular No: 008/2017, Criteria for the accreditation of initial teacher education programmes in Wales. This module places a strong emphasis on assessment, its technical concepts, its design and development, and its use. Due to the integrated nature of the programme you will gain knowledge, understanding and practical experience of assessment strategies across both Primary and Secondary sectors. These enhanced experiences will enable you to get a deep understanding of learner and lesson evaluation, and its importance in informing learner targets and subsequent lesson plans. You will also be prepared to develop key skills and to assess how key skills are acquired by learners.
Unit 1 - The assessment process: experience and questions. Why assess? What makes a ‘good’ assessment? - Some key concepts such as reliability and validity of assessments. - The association between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.
Unit 2 - Purposes and functions of assessment. - Understanding assessment methods - Relationship between formative and summative assessment. - Role of assessment in developing motivation for learning.
Unit 3 - Assessment for learning: purpose, conditions, values, principles and examples. - Promoting autonomous learning as the ultimate goal. - Teachers’ professional learning as a condition for developing effective classroom assessment for learning.
Unit 4 - Designing a scheme of assessment: specification, scope and purposes. - Review of Assessment systems: National Curriculum; 14-19 pathway – GCSE, A level, Welsh Baccalaureate; Successful Futures
Unit 5 - Evaluation and assessment data - Using assessment data effectively - School self-evaluation leading to school improvement
Unit 6 - Questioning skills and feedback - Higher order questioning
Unit 7 - Evaluating key skills: literacy, numeracy and digital competency
Unit 8 - Recording assessment - Communicating assessment outcomes to learners, teachers and parents
Unit 9 - Student self-reflection and evaluation. - Introduction to peer assessment. - Peer assessment of student teachers’
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | Individual student and class performance attainment data will be considered with the purpose of demonstrating the quality of learners’ learning. |
Communication | This will be developed both in seminar discussions (university and lead partner school) and in preparation for the assessments. |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Assessment for learning will be incorporated into many sessions to allow learners to reflect on their own performance and to develop strategies to improve. Involvement in peer assessments will enable student teachers to acquire a deeper critical understanding of assessment. Student teachers will be encouraged to audit their Specialism and Enrichment experiences in their Professional Learning Passport. |
Information Technology | All assignments will be word processed and students will be required to utilize IT resources in the research of their assignments. |
Personal Development and Career planning | Critical reflection will be developed via written assignments as well as via peer assessments and activities during seminars and school placements. Student teachers’ strengths and priorities for future professional developments, forms an element of the portfolio. Completing the portfolio will enable students to identify more clearly the evidence that substantiates their achievements (strengths, abilities, skills), aspirations and professional development priorities, and will help them to inform their Professional Learning Passport. |
Problem solving | Student teachers will be required to evaluate the attainment of learners. To do this they will have to design and implement the most appropriate assessment strategies for a range of learner abilities. |
Research skills | Research will be developed throughout the module but particularly with regards to the design and development of assessments. |
Subject Specific Skills | Students will develop the following skills that are central to the craft of assessment, such as: analysis of data, evaluation, target setting, thinking skills, creativity and decision making. |
Team work | Seminar activities will involve group work. |
This module is at CQFW Level 7