Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Grammar | 20 x 1 Hour Grammar |
Listening | 20 x 1 Hour Listening |
Oral | 20 x 1 Hour Orals |
Translation | 20 x 1 Hour Translations |
Tutorial | 20 x 1 Hour Tutorials |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | 50%: 10 written assignments, 5 of them under exam conditions (those taken under exam conditions counting twice as much as the others); 10%: oral (4 marks based on attendance, active contribution and performance in small oral groups); 20%: listening comprehension (2 tests). | 80% |
Semester Exam | The oral Examination takes the form of a 15-minute interview with one member of staff. During this interview the candidate will be asked: (a) to offer a brief presentation (maximum 5-7 minutes) in the target language on a selected topic and (b) to engage in a general conversation arising in the first instance from the presentation itself. Some weeks before the oral exam, students will be provided with 6 topics taken from the topics covered during the oral classes throughout the year. They will need to prepare all six of these topics as only one of them will be given to the student in the exam. The final exam topic will be provided to the candidate at the beginning of the examination. There will be no period of preparation time immediately beforehand. Candidates are reminded that they are not allowed to read from a script and are not allowed to bring any notes into the examination room; they must not deliver a previously learnt speech. The presentation should lead into (and be constructed so as to lead into) a conversation and further discussion of the topic. A more general conversation will follow. | 20% |
Supplementary Exam | 3 Hours 1 x 3-hour written examination (unless ONLY the oral component is failed, in which case the supplementary exam will be an oral examination). | 100% |
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module, if you have made satisfactory progress, you will be able to:
- identify your own improvement in French vocabulary and grammatical knowledge in written - and spoken language
- differentiate between major stylistic levels of French
- recognise and understand different linguistic registers in French
- translate selected French passages showing idiomatic, authentic style and grammatical usage
- present independently prepared material in spoken or written French
- discuss and debate topical issues in French
- summarise in your own words selected pieces of written or spoken French
- give your own insights into contemporary French life and culture
- take part in role-plays in French
- enter into conversation in French with confidence in your ability to express youself
Language modules have, as an integral part of their structure, regular homework assignments and class tests as well as end of year examinations. All assessment is designed to measure your progress against learning outcomes at the appropriate level.
Brief description
A weekly class, which utilises the course book and other selected material, seeks to develop expression by discussion and by the completion of exercises that include gap-filling description and oral commentary, while the written assignments for this class comprise comprehension, precis, essay writing and translation from French. This is complemented by a fortnightly class which is primarily devoted to translation into French and in which accuracy is stressed. Students will have several written assignments and are required to do assessed work regularly on CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) in the Language Laboratory.
Listening comprehension (a skill of considerable importance for the Year Abroad) will be practised weekly during the year in class. It will be assessed by tests which will contribute 20% of the total module marks. You are expected and strongly advised to practise listening comprehension in your time (e.g. in the language laboratories): this is a skill where practise does indeed make perfect.
Note: Students are expected to obtain a card key for access after 5pm to the Language Laboratory and computer terminals.
In the weekly oral class and the debate/discussion meetings students are required to offer presentations in French on given topics and are expected to participate actively in role play games and discussions relating to contemporary issues.
This module is at CQFW Level 5