Module Information
Module Identifier
Module Title
Introduction to Listening and Speaking Skills for University
Academic Year
Semester 1
IELTS 4.5 with no lower score than 4.0 in any one language skill area
Other Staff
Course Delivery
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | Oral Presentation and Seminar 10 minutes | 50% |
Semester Assessment | Listening 90 minutes | 50% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
Listen to short text on a familiar everyday topic, identify the main points and answer simple comprehension questions providing speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent (CEFR B1)
Give a clear prepared straightforward presentation on a familiar topic which is clear enough to be followed without difficulty most of the time and in which the main points are explained with reasonable precision (CEFR B1)
Structure and signpost a 5 minute talk appropriately
Take follow up questions but may have to ask for repetition if the question was asked quickly (CEFR B1)
Brief description
Introduction to Listening and Speaking for University, is one of 3 core English language skill development modules that make up the 20 hours of study per week of the IFC Block 1 course.
This module will begin to develop the general & academic listening, speaking and study skills needed for successful study at AU.
This module will prepare students for the IFC Block 2 modules which will extend and consolidate the general & academic listening and speaking skills developed in Block 1.
1. To develop and strengthen students’ general & academic listening skills for university
2. To develop and strengthen students’ general & academic speaking skills for university
3. To give practice in independent learner study skills required to function effectively in a higher education learning environment
This module will begin to develop the general & academic listening, speaking and study skills needed for successful study at AU.
This module will prepare students for the IFC Block 2 modules which will extend and consolidate the general & academic listening and speaking skills developed in Block 1.
1. To develop and strengthen students’ general & academic listening skills for university
2. To develop and strengthen students’ general & academic speaking skills for university
3. To give practice in independent learner study skills required to function effectively in a higher education learning environment
1. To develop and strengthen students’ general & academic listening skills for university
2. To develop and strengthen students’ general & academic speaking skills for university
3. To give practice in independent learner study skills required to function effectively in a higher education learning environment
2. To develop and strengthen students’ general & academic speaking skills for university
3. To give practice in independent learner study skills required to function effectively in a higher education learning environment
Due to the nature of each IFC cohort of students, the IFC course will need to be flexible and responsive to students’ needs. It is a student centred syllabus. The outline below is indicative of the skills that this module will cover.
Key listening strategies to be developed:
• Extensive and intensive listening
• Listening for gist, main points, specific details
Key Speaking strategies to be developed:
• Speaking and discussion skills for different audiences
• Pronunciation and intonation
Week 1,2,3,4 Course Introduction
Developing and improving listening skills for example - prediction skills, listening for gist, main ideas, details and understanding connected speech etc
Developing speaking fluency & competency - offering advice and suggestions, encouraging communication from others, shifting the topic etc
Week 5,6,7,8
Developing and improving listening skills for example - listening for discourse markers, understanding vocabulary in context, distinguishing cause and effect, problems and solutions etc
Developing speaking fluency & competency – asking for clarification, agreeing and disagreeing, explaining something you don’t know the word for, paraphrasing, managing questions etc
Week 9, 10,11,12
Developing and improving listening skills for example -listening for details, chronological sequence, the order in a process, how an argument is supported and understanding the speaker’s attitude etc
Developing speaking fluency & competency – being an effective public speaker, using and referring to visual aids, refuting an argument, debating an issue etc
Revision and exam preparation
Module assessment
Week 13, 14, 15 Module feedback + tutorial support
Review and recap on listening & speaking strategies covered in this module
Individual student targets to identified & discussed for development in Block 2
Key listening strategies to be developed:
• Extensive and intensive listening
• Listening for gist, main points, specific details
Key Speaking strategies to be developed:
• Speaking and discussion skills for different audiences
• Pronunciation and intonation
Week 1,2,3,4 Course Introduction
Developing and improving listening skills for example - prediction skills, listening for gist, main ideas, details and understanding connected speech etc
Developing speaking fluency & competency - offering advice and suggestions, encouraging communication from others, shifting the topic etc
Week 5,6,7,8
Developing and improving listening skills for example - listening for discourse markers, understanding vocabulary in context, distinguishing cause and effect, problems and solutions etc
Developing speaking fluency & competency – asking for clarification, agreeing and disagreeing, explaining something you don’t know the word for, paraphrasing, managing questions etc
Week 9, 10,11,12
Developing and improving listening skills for example -listening for details, chronological sequence, the order in a process, how an argument is supported and understanding the speaker’s attitude etc
Developing speaking fluency & competency – being an effective public speaker, using and referring to visual aids, refuting an argument, debating an issue etc
Revision and exam preparation
Module assessment
Week 13, 14, 15 Module feedback + tutorial support
Review and recap on listening & speaking strategies covered in this module
Individual student targets to identified & discussed for development in Block 2
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | |
Communication | This module develops communication and literacy skills through weekly presentations and vocabulary extension activities |
Improving own Learning and Performance | This module incorporates targeted individual learning tutorials to encourage students to assess and analyze their own learning and performance. |
Information Technology | The multimedia language laboratory will develop students’ ability to use listening & pronunciation software to improve their language skills. It will provide an engaging and interactive learning environment. Students will also be encouraged to search the web for sources of information and use presentation software for the presentations. |
Personal Development and Career planning | |
Problem solving | Developing listening sub skills involves problem solving to find and record the key information required to comprehend texts |
Research skills | This module will involve students actively and independently researching topics for presentations |
Subject Specific Skills | Academic English study skills |
Team work | This module involves students working in pairs and teams to develop their listening and presentation skills |
This module is at CQFW Level 3