Module Information
Course Delivery
Delivery Type | Delivery length / details |
Seminar | 10 x 2 Hour Seminars |
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | First essay assignment Assignment 1: Students will present for assessment a portfolio of 1,500 words of prose or between 60 and 90 lines of poetry, or pro rata for mixed portfolios, transposed from material issued or shown in class during the first five weeks of the module, and using transpositional methods covered during those weeks, together with a critical commentary of 1,000 words (weighted 75% / 25%). Overall weighting 50%. | 50% |
Semester Assessment | Second essay assignment Assignment 2: Students will present for assessment a portfolio of 1,500 words of prose or between 60 and 90 lines of poetry, or pro rata for mixed portfolios, transposed from material issued or shown in class during the second five weeks of the module, and using transpositional methods covered during those weeks, together with a critical commentary of 1,000 words (weighted 75% / 25%). Overall weighting 50%. | 50% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resubmit failed or missing essay 1 Resbubmission 1: Students will present for assessment a portfolio of 1,500 words of prose or between 60 and 90 lines of poetry, or pro rata for mixed portfolios, transposed from material issued or shown in class during the first five weeks of the module, and using transpositional methods covered during those weeks, together with a critical commentary of 1,000 words (weighted 75% / 25%). Overall weighting 50%. | 50% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resubmit failed or missing essay 2 Resubmission 2: Students will present for assessment a portfolio of 1,500 words of prose or between 60 and 90 lines of poetry, or pro rata for mixed portfolios, transposed from material issued or shown in class during the second five weeks of the module, and using transpositional methods covered during those weeks, together with a critical commentary of 1,000 words (weighted 75% / 25%). Overall weighting 50%. | 50% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Recognize a range of literary genres and demonstrate an understanding of how they work;
2. Recreate/transpose materials from one genre to another;
3. Demonstrate a developing critical awareness of their own writing practice;
4. Make constructive critical responses to their own and other students’ writing, and engage in appropriate revisions of their own work.
This module aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding of a range of literary forms and genres, to develop their range and capabilities as writers, and to enable them to work with increasing confidence in a variety of forms and genres.
Brief description
This module is based upon a series of writing tasks which involve `transposing' a pre-existing piece of material in some way, either from one medium to another (for example, from picture to words), or from one genre to another (for example, from a biblical story to a thriller), or from one viewpoint to another (for example, from first-person narrative to third person `omniscient-narrator' style), and so on. The idea is to remove the burden and anxiety of conceiving plot and situation, so that technique and treatment can become the focus.
The module is taught in a series of two-hour workshops over one semester, with two workshops on each of the five topics. In the first workshop of each pair the tutor will introduce the concept and present examples, which will then be discussed. The second stage will consist of presentation, discussion, and development of student work in the same mode.
Reading and Preparation for Classes
Members of the group will be expected to pursue a relevant but non-prescriptive programme of reading (a list of suggested reading is supplied); and to present weekly, for comment and supportive criticism by the group, anticipatory work carried out during the preceding week and geared to the focal concerns of the coming session.
Outline of Weekly Programme
Weeks 1-2: From Picture to Words
Weeks 3-4: From Genre to Genre
Weeks 5-6: From Viewpoint to Viewpoint
Weeks 7-8: From Long to Short, from Short to Long
Weeks 9-10: From Then to Now
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | N/A |
Communication | Through workshop discussions and through written assignments |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Through improving work in response to peer and tutor feedback |
Information Technology | Through use of Blackboard and wordprocessing |
Personal Development and Career planning | Through critical reflection and the development of transferable communication skills |
Problem solving | Through dealing with problems of writing and research |
Research skills | Through online research |
Subject Specific Skills | Creative writing, literary research and criticism |
Team work | Through co-operation in workshops |
This module is at CQFW Level 5