Module Information
Course Delivery
Due to Covid-19 students should refer to the module Blackboard pages for assessment details
Assessment Type | Assessment length / details | Proportion |
Semester Assessment | First Essay Assignment 1 x 1500 word essay | 25% |
Semester Assessment | Second Essay Assignment 1 x 3000 word essay | 75% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resubmit First Essay 1 x 1500 essay Resubmit failed or missing essay | 25% |
Supplementary Assessment | Resubmit Second Essay 1 x 3000 word essay Resubmit failed or missing essay | 75% |
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Describe and appraise the main characteristics of the victorian and modern ghost story, both as an identifiable literary genre and as a varied tradition (from the mid-C19th to the early 20th century)
2. Consider and evaluate the arguments put forward by victorian and modern writers about the definition of the ghost story: its narrative techniques, its literary conventions, its creative possibilities.
3. Engage with theoretical and critical debates on the uncanny and the ghostly as problems of historical, cultural and literary interpretation.
4. Write about the subject in a well-structured and argued manner.
Brief description
Average Student Workload:
Contact time 20.5 hours
Reading and preparation: 100 hours
Independent study preparing assignments 79.5 hours
This module combines close textual analysis, intellectual history and literary theory, covering a range of authors largely excluded from the existing syllabus for 19th century core modules.
Anne Radcliffe, 'On the Supernatural in Poetry' (1826) [e-text];
Walter Scott, The Tapestried Chamber (1829) [OBEGS 1-12];
'On the Supernatural in Fictitious Composition' (1827) [e-text];
J. S. Le Fanu, An Account of Some strange Disturbances in Aungier Street (1853) [CGS 1-18]
Week 2 Victorian Phantoms
Charles Dickens, The Signalman (1866) [PBGS 91-104];
Wilkie Collins, Mrs Zant and the Ghost (1879) [CGS 30-58];
Julia Briggs, Nigh Visitors: the Rise and Fall of the English Ghost Story (1977);
Jill Matus, 'Trauma, Memory and Railway Disaster: the Dickensian Connection' (2001)
Week 3 Ghost Feelers
Edith Nesbit, Man-Size in Marble (1893) [OBEGS 125-36]
Vernon Lee, A Wicked Voice (1890 [OBEGS 87-108]
Mary Wilkins, The Lost Ghost (1903) [CGS 150-164]
Nick Freeman, 'E Nesbit's New Woman Gothic' [photocopy]
Week 4 Phantom or Phantasm?
Fitz-James O'Brien, What Was It? (1859) [PBGS 25-37]
Amelia B Edwards, the Phantom Coach (1864) [OBEGS 13-24] 'The New Pass (1873) [CGS, 74-85];
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Haunted and the Haunters: or, The House and the Brain (1859) [PBGS];
Srdan Smajic, 'The Trouble with Ghost-Seeing: Vision, Ideology and Genre in the Victorian Ghost Story' (2004)
Week 5 Uncanny Things
H G Wells, The red Room (1896), [OBEGS, 172-9];
Algernon Blackwood, The Empty House (1906), [OBEGS, 222-35];
Ralph Cram, In Kropfsberg Keep (1895) [CGS 141-9];
W W Jacobs, The Monkey's Paw (1902) [PBGS 231-42]
Sigmund Freud, 'The Uncanny' (1919)
Week 6 Ghosts and Scholars
M R James, 'Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad' (1904) [PBGS 261-80];
The Mezzotint (1904) [photocopy];
Ralph Harrington, 'So jarred were all my nerves: supernatural shock and traumatic terror in the ghost stories of M R James' [photocopy]
Week 8 Ghosts of the Self
Henry James, the Jolly corner (1908) [PBGS 291-325]
Martha Banta, 'Henry James and 'The Others' [photocopy]
Week 9 Intertextual Haunting
May Sinclair, the Intercessor (1911)
H D Everett, The Next Heir (1920)
Richard Bleiler, 'May Sinclair's Supernatural Fiction'
Week 10 Modern Domestic Ghosts
A M Burrage, Smee (1931) [OBEGS, 377-86]
Elizabeth Bowen, Hand in Glove (1952) [OBEGS 444-52]
D K Broster, The Pestering (1932)
A S Byatt, The July Ghost (1987)
Week 11 Imperial Spectres
W Somerset Maugham, The Taipan (1922) [OBEGS, 283-8]
L P Hartley, A Visitor from Down Under (1926) [OBEGS, 307-21] plus
Module Summary and reflection with group discussion
Module Skills
Skills Type | Skills details |
Application of Number | N/A |
Communication | Written communication in the form of essays, oral communication in seminar discussion and group presentations. |
Improving own Learning and Performance | Developing own research skills, managment of time, expression and use of language. |
Information Technology | Use of electronic resources (JSTOR, websites); use of databases of digitized newspapers and periodicals; the production of written work. |
Personal Development and Career planning | By critical reflection and the development of transfeerable communication skills. |
Problem solving | Formulating and developing extended arguments |
Research skills | By relating literary texts to historical contexts and theoretical commentaries, and by synthesizing various perspectives in an evaluative argument. |
Subject Specific Skills | Detailed critical and contextual analysis of literary texts and evaluation of the theoretical concepts. |
Team work | Through group presentations in seminars - this will involve preparation outside of class and team work within the seminar. |
This module is at CQFW Level 6